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  Everyonewhohas everpicked up a ball has at least one id01.a gold standard personified.a player they grew up wishing to be.There’s often a commonality between the grasshopper and his imagined sensei-they come from the sameplace,went to the same school or look somewhat the Same,be it in appearance or build.
  The difference for?NBA?players is they often get the chance to face their personal demigod in real life and find out how they measure up.It’s a moment of truth many young players across the league are now facing for the first time,thanks to another massive migration of superstars.Suddenly,they find the posters on their walls only a few years ago come to life in the locker next to theirs,lacing up the same signature shoes they wore in homage to the player on the poster.It is the rare chance for firsthand validation by their idol,something most people can only dream of.
  So what happens if they don’t get it? Look no further than last season’s?Lakers?for an answer.
  “I had been watching him my whole life,and I own his jerseys and everything,”Ball recalled.“…I was kind of on edge.like I didn’t know how to be around him.Because I had never really been around someone I looked up to like that.Then I seen him in the locker room.and it was crazy.”You know the rest.The grins and a 20-14 start were replaced by injurles,crestfallen looks and a 9-18 finish.James,the favorite player of?most?of the young Lakers—Brandon Ingram aspired to be the next?Kevin Durant—insinuated?they were holding him back and that?his?favorite player?at the time was Pelicansforward Anthony Davis
  “It makes sense,”says?Celtics?forward Jayson Tatum of the young Lakers being rattled by a vote of no confidence from LeBron“For people my age,he was ‘the man’growing up.I went to a LeBron camp and I had his jersey.I remember the first time Iplayed against him how nervous I was.”   “这说得通。”凯尔特人前锋杰森·塔图姆谈到湖人年轻球员因为没有得到詹姆斯的信任而心烦意乱时如是表示,“对于我这个年龄的人来说,从小到大他就是‘那个人’。我参加过勒布朗的训练营,我有他的球衣。我还记得第—次和他交手时自己有多紧张。”
  Tatum,however,earned James’ respect.After Game 7 of the 2018 Eastern Conference Finals between Tatum’s Celtics and James’?Cavaliers,James raved about Tatum,Saying,“He boomed me,”a reference to?Tatum dunking on him.

  He was never that flattering about any of the young Lakers.After atrade for Davis failed to materialize before the trade deadline last season,James intimated that not all his teammates were cut outfor a playoff push.“If you are still allowing distractions to affect the way you play,”James told reporters in late February,“then this is the wrong franchise to be a part of,and youshould just come in and say,‘I can’t do this.’
  Those words from any team leader would be demorahzing,and?Sacramento Kings?forward Harrison Barnes says that coming from someone as revered by young players as James,they are the ukimate disparagement.

  “Everybody went to his camp!”Barness ays,laughing.“In high school,Nike structured it so his camp was the top camp.You’re always trying to be around the greatest player.When you’re a young guy in the league,you don’t have much background to draw from as far as trade talks You don’t really understand.
  Not that James stands alone as a superstar who has expressed dissatisfaction with teammates or admirers.?Kobe Bryant,one former player says,initially balked at being in the team picture of the 2014-15 Lakers’21-win team,saying loud enough for everyone to hear,“I don’t want to take a picture with these losers.”
  Pacers?forward Myles Turner,as a highschool junior,made the three-and-a-half-hour drive from his home in?Dallas?to Austin for an unofficial visit to the University of Texas and ended up hanging out with fellow former Longhorn Kevin Durant,one of his idols.Durant happened to be visiting the campus at the same time,and Turner wound up as his teammate in a pickup game.   步行者前锋迈尔斯·特纳高三那年开了三个半小时车,从家乡达拉斯前往奥斯汀,私下参观德克萨斯大学,遇到前德州大学明星,他的偶像凯文·杜兰特。杜兰特恰好在同一时间拜访大学,而特纳成为他在野球赛里的队友。
  “I wasn’t as adult as I am now,so I was kind of gangly and wasn’t getting shots up,and he kind of looked at me sideways,“Turner recalls.”He was passing me the ball to score,and I was being super passwe,passing the ball back every time.I was just trying to fit in.”
  Did he feel KD’s silent scorn?
  “Hell yeah,definitely,”Turner says.”If you’ve got your mentor looking at you a little sideways,you’re going to be,‘Dang,I disappointed him alittle bit.’。But I didn’t let that determine my career.You just kind of rub it off and play better next time.”
  Years later,he credits KD for creating the template that has allowed him to flourish in the NBA as an inside-outside threat despite being listed as 6′11″and 250 pounds“KD opened thedoors for a big man who can handle it and shoot it,” he says.
  Derrick White had a more positive experience the first time he faced his idol and fellow Coloradan,Chauncey Billups,in a pickup game as a virtual unknown at Division Ⅱ Colorado-Colorado Springs.
  “Pretty crazy,personally,”says White,who would transfer to Billups’alma mater,the University of Colorado,for his semor year.“This is a guy I’ve been watching play,and now I’m playing against him? I just wanted to compete and show what I could do.I was playing really well,and I could just tell it was different after that.”
  But not every encounter happens in a pickup game.Barnes faced his basketball role model,Kobe,in his first preseason game as a rookie with the Warriors.
  “It was kind of surreal,”Barnes says.”I remember there was one play where it was the patented(Kobe)shot fake.Somebody said,‘Staydown!’I remember he shot-faked once,twice,and the third time I left my feet.I was like,‘Dude,I’ve seen this play a million times.How do I still fall for it?’   “那是种不太真实的感觉。”巴恩斯说,“我记得有一球,是科比标志性的假动作。有人说,‘不要动!’我记得他做了一次,两次假动作,第三次时我起跳了。我心想,‘这个动作我都看过100万次了,我怎么还会上当?’”
  Not every idol-aspirant first encounter is harrowing;for?Brook Lopez,it was gratifying.
  “One of my first games agamst Timmy(Duncan)is where I got that we must be on the same wavelength,that this is definitely my guy.
  It must’ve been in the third quarter during a timeout.They were playing music in the arena,
  ‘Welcome to the Jungle.’And he came up to guard me and he starts staging really low in my ear,‘Wel-come to the jung-le,’and I was like,‘This is my guy,for sure.This is awesome.’”
  “我最初和蒂姆(邓肯)交手的比赛,那时我意识到我们是同一类人,他绝对是我喜欢的人。应该是比赛第三节的一次暂停,球馆里在放‘Welcome to the Jungle’这首歌。他过来防我,他开始在我耳边低声唱出‘Welcome to the Jungle’的歌詞。我心想,‘这就是我喜欢的人,绝对的。这太棒了。’”
  Winning the approval of Jason Kidd was Richard Jefferson’s holy grail.Jefferson grew up in Phoenix and played at the University of Arizona while Kidd was a perennial All-Star for the?Suns.“Jason was the next Magic,”he says,and when they became teammates with the New Jersey?Nets,“I was like a puppy dog Whatever he said,I soaked it all in.”
  nlike Ball,Hart and Ingram,Kuzma remams a Laker.“I can only speak for myself—I’ve dealt with a lot,and I’ve handled a lot,”Kuzma says.“The biggest thing was early childhood,makingit out of Flint(Michigan).A lot of people don’t make it out.It’s a super violent place.It’s hard to really make it to 21 where I’m from.I made it out.That’s the hardest thing a kid can go through.”
  In short,a withering stare or two,even from an idol,isn’t going to rattle a young man who has seen a whole lot worse.
  Kuzma also doesn’t count James as his only idol.“I had a lot,”he says.“Kobe Melo.Bron.MJ.Shaq.”
  There’s a difference between asptring to be like someone and wantmg someone to see you as being like them.It’s an important distinction for Turner.He still admires Durant and?La Marcus Aldridge,but he says he isn’t seeking their approval or anyone else’s.“You’ll never reach your potential or be successful if you rest your hat on what other people think of you,”he says.
  No matter how highly you might think of them.
对多伦多的篮球迷来说,那个夜晚永远具有特别的意义。  那是2019年5月,科怀·伦纳德在高强度防守下,在比赛结束的哨声响起前出手投篮。从底角出手的后仰跳投在篮筐上弹了无数下,最终轻柔地落入篮网。这是属于伦纳德的绝杀,这个压哨也让全世界的篮球迷彻底陷入疯狂。  对何塞卡尔德隆和他9岁的儿子曼努埃尔来说,那也是一个让人难忘的瞬间。但让他们难忘的,并不只有伦纳德的绝杀。在那一天里,数不清的加拿大球迷找到
“你是我们最好的防守球员,你去要防守射手,你还必须给予他冲击!”斯蒂芬·马布里说出这番话时,身边的翻译将他的话翻译成了中文。翻译试图重复马布里话语中的紧张感,甚至还在模仿他的手势与动作。  这个场景发生在早上10点15分北京首控的训练馆中,这场训练已经进行了一个多小时。主教练马布里正在带领北控为1月的CBA赛事做着准备。  训练结束后,马布里回到宾馆,他开始观看此前球队的比赛视频,以及他即将面对对
在加拿大人詹姆斯·奈史密斯发明篮球的128年后,他的祖国终于在2019年达到了篮球世界的巅峰。猛龙在2019年首次获得了NBA总冠军,而在随后的2019年选秀大会上,有多达6名加拿大球员听到自己的名字从NBA总裁口中说出,这也创下了单届选秀大会上非美籍球员的数量纪录。  尽管每个人都对此觉得非常兴奋,但加拿大本地人的内心却波澜不惊,因为他们坚信:我们才刚开始崭露头角,还会有更多的天才球员出现,比如
德雷蒙德·格林篮球生涯最凄惨的一个赛季,是他在密歇根州大大三那年。坐在新奥尔良的客队更衣室,双脚放进冰桶的他给出了这个答案。  “19胜15负。”他还能准确地记得球队当时的战绩,“我记得我们在赛区只有9胜9负。”  几分钟后,勇士开始了全队训练。过去几个赛季,总会有20多个记者跟队采访勇士的客场比赛。两年前在同一个球馆,新奥尔良圣徒明星四分卫德鲁-布鲁斯的家人也加入媒体,他的孩子们穿的都是斯蒂芬·
在这个非比赛日的周日下午,新奥尔良法国区的气温已然下降到了6攝氏度,但低温并不能阻挡人们的热情。  新奥尔良圣徒将在黄金时间段在这里迎接来自牛仔的挑战。上午11时许,黑金相间的球衣就已经遍布了整条波旁街,空气中也弥漫着雪茄烟味以及附近店内飘出的烤鸡香味。这里的酒吧在比赛开始前的几个小时里便已人满为患,二楼阳台上不时会掉落各种颜色的珠子。人行道上摆满了乐器,有小号,长号以及其他吹奏乐器,演奏者正欢快
朱万·霍华德  Juwan Howard  2.06米/113公斤/PF/密西根大学  效力球队:华盛顿子弹/奇才,达拉斯独行侠,丹佛掘金,奥兰多魔术,休斯敦火箭,夏洛特山猫,波特兰开拓者,迈阿密热火  球衣号码:15,7,55,6  数据:13.4分6.1篮板2.2助攻0.7抢断0.3盖帽荣誉:2届总冠军(2012,2013),1届全明星(1996),1次入选第三阵容(1996)  本赛季是朱万
在自己的前三款簽名鞋中,保罗-乔治和设计师托尼哈德曼用令人印象深刻的前足Zoom Air套装和低帮设计让泡椒在球场上拥有了最大的控制力,在过去三个赛季中,PG13在MVP评选中都名列TOP10,上赛季,乔治打出了个人职业生涯最好的场均28分8.2篮板4.1助攻2.2抢断的巅峰赛季。本赛季,和科怀伦纳德携手后,他们所率领的快船是总冠军的最大热门。  面对球场内外的巨大成功,乔治和托尼没有墨守成规,对
在30年的時间里,我们在一旁观看了大卫斯特恩的工作,在办公室里,球馆中,飞机上,和任何这项运动需要的地方,他工作了无数个小时。和所有NBA传奇巨星一样,斯特恩有着非凡的天赋,但他最看重的是基本功:做足准备,追求细节和努力工作。  斯特恩1984年接管NBA时,联盟正处十字路口。任职主席30年间,他引领了一个现代而全球化的NBA。他创建了开创性的媒体和市场合作伙伴业务,数字媒体平台和企业社会责任项目
上赛季在多伦多效力时,丹尼·格林对主教练尼克·纳斯曾在一个痴迷于足球而不是篮球的国家执教而感到非常震惊。“我需要好好调查一下我们教练的背景。”他笑着说。  几乎所有人在得知猛龙选择纳斯这样一个NBA菜鸟,却在英国有近十年执教经验的人作为主教练时,普遍表示惊讶。在走上猛龙的帅位前,纳斯已经在猛龙担任过五个赛季的助理教练了,队员们对他非常熟悉,但知道他曾在英国执教的人却并不多。  1990年,纳斯去到
“老天,我真的太兴奋了。”RJ·巴雷特说,“我终于真的能在纽约打球了。这是我长久以来的梦想,我为此付出了巨大努力。所以,我真的很兴奋。”  巴雷特说这番话时,距离他在尼克斯的主场首秀还剩10小时。他刚刚结束了一段耗时颇长的训练,出现在了曼哈顿中城定制西服品牌INDOCHINO的门店。与这个品牌合作后,巴雷特推出了属于自己的第一套西服——一套充满他个人风格的限量版服装。可以预见,这些衣服将频繁出现在