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柿树含单宁甚多,嫁接时,切口的细胞受到机械损伤,其内含的单宁物质遇到氧气,发生氧化缩合反应,形成高分子的黑色浓缩物,窒息伤口细胞呼吸,使愈伤组织难以形成,造成接口霉烂;同时单宁物质也直接与构成原生质的蛋白质发生沉淀作用,使细胞原生质颗粒化,从而在接面形成隔离层,阻碍砧木和接穗双方物质的交换和愈合,使嫁接失败。因此,多年来,我们在提高柿树嫁接成活率方面进行了大量的试验,并积累了一些经验,现简介如下:一、选好接穗枝接用的接穗应在落叶后至萌芽前,从优良单株上选取生长健壮的发育枝或结果枝,采后及时放在冷凉处,用湿沙埋藏备用。贮藏期间要注意防止接穗变干、发霉、萌芽。芽接用的接穗,春夏嫁接用的,应选生长粗壮,一年生枝中下部未萌发的饱满芽,随接随采,不可久贮;夏秋嫁接用的接穗,可选取当年生枝的充实饱满的腋芽。二、适时嫁接枝接应在砧木树液流动,芽已萌动,接穗处于休眠状态时进行,如果嫁接过早,砧穗都处于休眠状态,接口不能及时产生愈伤组织,使接面细胞干枯,死细胞层加厚,阻碍砧穗之间水分和养分的输送,影响嫁接成活,晚了接穗发芽,接后容易失水抽干,也难以成活。芽接可在整个生育期进行,其中以新梢接近停止生长时,成活率最高。三、砧木粗壮选择生长健壮,无病虫害,根径粗2~3厘米,并与接穗亲和力强的砧木。这样的砧木对接穗供水分和养分的能力大,嫁接后,接口愈合快,成活率高,苗木生长旺盛,进入结果的时期也早。四、接穗要新鲜新鲜的接穗,生命活动能力旺盛,形成层细胞分裂速度快,接后成活率可以达90%以上。反之,接穗若干皱、发霉、发芽,则不易嫁接成活。五、砧木和接穗的形成层要密切接触嫁接时,刀要锋利,接穗削面要平直光滑,一刀削成,不留毛茬,砧木和接穗的形成层要对准密接。芽接时,芽片尽量大一些,芽基部的“护芽肉”必须紧贴在砧木上,芽片四周与砧木皮紧密吻合。六、接口绑缚要紧嫁接后接口要用塑料薄膜带从下往上缠绕,缠时要一环压一环,并尽量勒 Persimmon with tannin is very much, when grafted, incision cells are mechanically damaged, the tannin contained in its material encountered oxygen, the occurrence of oxidative condensation reaction, the formation of polymer black concentrates, suffocating the wound cells to breathe, so that callus Organization is difficult to form, resulting in mildew interface; at the same time, tannin material also directly with the protoplasmic protein precipitation occurs, so that the cell protoplasm granulation, thereby forming a barrier at the junction, hinder the rootstock and scion both material exchange and healing, so that grafting failure. Therefore, over the years, we have done a lot of experiments in improving the survival rate of persimmon grafting, and accumulated some experience. The brief introduction is as follows: First, select the scion should be used in connection with the scion should be from deciduous to sprout, from excellent Select the growth of robust stalks or fruiting branches on the plant, after harvest on the cool place, buried with wet sand backup. During storage should pay attention to prevent scion from drying, moldy, sprouting. Spike access with the scion, used in spring and summer grafting, should be selected growth sturdy, annual branches in the lower part of the bud does not germinate, with the pick mining, not long storage; summer grafting scion, you can choose full and full of axillary branches . Second, the timely grafting branch should flow in the stock tree liquid flow, the bud has sprouted, the scion is in dormant state, if the grafting too early, the root scion are in dormant state, the interface can not produce callus in time to make the junction cell dry, Dead cell layer thickened, hindering the transfer of water and nutrients between scion, affecting grafting survival, late scion sprout, then easy to dehydration pumping, it is difficult to survive. Budding can be carried out throughout the reproductive period, in which the shoots close to stop growing, the highest survival rate. Third, sturdy rootstock choose robust growth, no pests, root diameter 2 to 3 cm, and strong affinity with the scion rootstock. Such rootstocks have a great ability to supply water and nutrients to the scion, and after the grafting, the interface is healed quickly and the survival rate is high. The seedling grows vigorously and the period of entering the result is also earlier. Fourth, scion to fresh fresh scion, life activity ability, forming layer cell division speed, then the survival rate can reach more than 90%. Conversely, the scion of a number of wrinkles, moldy, germinating, it is not easy grafting survival. Five, rootstock and scion formation layer to be in close contact Grafting, the knife should be sharp, scion noodles flat and smooth, knife cut into, do not leave stubble, rootstock and scion formation layer to be aligned closely. Sprout then, bud pieces as large as possible, the bud base of the “bud meat” must be close to the rootstock, buds around the anvil skin closely match. Sixth, the interface bondage After the grafting interface with plastic film from the bottom up winding, wrapped around a pressure ring, and try to Le
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