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新型高强度Al-Zh-Mg合金X7005,具有良好的焊接、硬钎接和软钎接的多种性能。在连接后,无需快速淬冷,就可以时效硬化到高强度。用强固的Al-Mg-Zh焊料X5180和Al-Mg或Al-Si合金焊料,就很容易实现X7005合金的无裂缝焊接。采用X5180焊料焊接的X7005合金,焊后进行一个月自然时效或短时间人工时效后,能获得抗拉强度为35.2公斤/毫米~2以上的焊缝。这些数值比用4043焊料焊接的6061合金中相同焊缝的性能约超过14公斤/毫米~2。在凸点试验中,X7005的焊缝,在双轴向应力作用下,展示了较高的极限强度并拌有良好的延展性,这正是貯罐和耐压容器焊件所需求的。当X7005纵向应力高达其连接处屈服极限的70~75%时,焊缝仍展示了良好的抗应力腐蚀裂纹能力。然而在短横向受应力作用的厚板要求进行保护。焊接热影响区的优光腐蚀敏感性,可用焊后人工时效来减小。 X7005与不同合金5456和6061之间的焊接,用X5180和5556焊料容易实现。接合强度与通常在5456和6061合金焊缝中获得的数值相同。这些合金,在大多数大气气氛中都具有良好的抗腐蚀能力。 X7005用标准铝合金焊料和焊剂或采用无焊剂技术,很容易进行硬钎接。由于从硬钎接温度冷却只用中等冷却速度,因此变形被减至最小。X7005硬钎接后的强度为35.2公斤/毫米~2或更高,它比其它任何可硬钎接的铝合金强度都高。熔融的Al-Si焊料对X7005的渗透,比对低强度可硬钎接合金进行得快。然而,用限制硬钎时间与温度,以及适当选择X7005厚度的方法,能使它对机械性能和抗腐蚀能力的损害减至最小。当X7005加热到371~427℃进行软钎接时,与其说退火不如说变成固溶热处理状态了。随后的正常空气冷却和时效,基体金属获得了与硬钎接后相同的高强度。用100%Zn或95%Zn~5%Al的软钎料,获得了强固的接合。 X7005在需要高强度而接合后又不能进行或不希望进行固溶热处理的地方,作为薄板、厚板和挤压件使用。 New high-strength Al-Zh-Mg alloy X7005, with good welding, brazing and soldering a variety of properties. After the connection, you can harden to high strength without rapid quenching. With rugged Al-Mg-Zh solder X5180 and Al-Mg or Al-Si alloy solder, it is easy to achieve the X7005 alloy crack-free welding. Using X5180 solder X7005 alloy welding, welding one month after the natural aging or short-term artificial aging, can obtain a tensile strength of 35.2 kg / mm ~ 2 above the weld. These values ​​exceed the performance of the same welds in 6061 alloy welded with 4043 solder by more than about 14 kg / mm 2. In the bump test, X7005 weld, under biaxial stress, exhibits higher ultimate strength and good ductility, which is what is required for tanks and pressure vessel weldments. The weld shows good resistance to stress corrosion cracking when the longitudinal stress of the X7005 reaches 70-75% of the yield point of its connection. However, plates subjected to stress in the short lateral direction require protection. The excellent light corrosion susceptibility of HAZ can be reduced by artificial aging after welding. X7005 with different alloys 5456 and 6061 between the welding, with X5180 and 5556 solder easy to achieve. The bond strength is the same as that typically found in 5456 and 6061 alloy welds. These alloys have good corrosion resistance in most atmospheric atmospheres. X7005 with standard aluminum alloy solder and flux or flux-free technology, it is easy to braze. Since only a moderate cooling rate is used for cooling from hard solder, the deformation is minimized. The strength of the X7005 after brazing is 35.2 kg / mm 2 or more, which is more strength than any other brazeable aluminum alloy. The penetration of molten Al-Si solder into X7005 is faster than with low-strength hard-braze alloys. However, with limitations on brazing time and temperature, and the proper choice of X7005 thickness, it minimizes damage to mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. When the X7005 is heated to 371 ~ 427 ℃ for soldering, it is better to anneal than to be solution heat treated. Subsequent normal air cooling and aging, the base metal achieves the same high strength as after brazing. With 100% Zn or 95% Zn ~ 5% Al solder, a strong bond was obtained. X7005 in the need for high strength and after bonding can not be or do not want solution heat treatment, as the sheet, plate and extrusion use.
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