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随着课程改革的不断深化,我们对传统教学弊端的认识越来越深刻,传统课程过于注重知识传授,过于强调学科本位,再者由于课程内容难度较大,知识繁杂,有一些偏、旧、难的知识因应试教育并未去除,从而导致学生积极性不高,缺乏主动参与学习的兴趣,学习大都借助死记硬背,缺少灵活运用。而“问题链导学”模式的提出,很快应用于实践,并在实践中的优势逐渐凸显。这一教学模式在高中数学的应用,更是彻底革除了传统教学的弊端,能够激发学生学习数学的动力,能够显著提高 With the continuous deepening of the curriculum reform, our understanding of the shortcomings of traditional teaching has become more and more profound. The traditional curriculum has placed too much emphasis on knowledge transfer and over-emphasis on subject-based teaching. Moreover, due to the difficulty of the curriculum and the complicated knowledge, The difficult knowledge due to the test-oriented education has not been removed, resulting in the enthusiasm of students is not high, the lack of active interest in learning, most of the learning by virtue of rote, lack of flexibility. However, the proposition of “problem-chain-guiding” mode is quickly applied to practice and its advantages in practice are gradually highlighted. This teaching mode in high school mathematics application, but also completely eradicated the drawbacks of traditional teaching, can stimulate students to learn mathematics, can significantly improve
本文对我党三代领导人的治国方式和法制思想进行分析,揭示“依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家”是我党不断追求的理想和目标,是马克思主义中国化的可喜成果。 This article an
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
新年伊始,从胜达集团江苏双灯纸业有限公司传来喜讯,2007年,该公司共产销各类生活用纸5.3万多吨,比历史最好水平的2006年上升10.7%;实现 At the beginning of the new year,
中国证券报2013-01-15报道:造纸行业持续低迷,拥有近600万吨造纸产能的行业龙头晨鸣纸业规模扩张也趋缓,转而通过有选择地做加、减法实施战略转型,并启动多元化战略。 China