Preferential binding between intracellular organic matters and Al13 polymer to enhance coagulation p

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fz594825946
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Coagulation is the best available method for removing intracellular organic matter (IOM),which is released from algae cells and is an important precursor to disinfection by-products in drinking water treatment.To gain insight into the best strategy to optimize IOM removal,the coagulation performance of two Al salts,i.e.,aluminum chloride (AlCl3) and polyaluminum chloride (PACl,containing 81.2% Al13),was investigated to illuminate the effect of Al species distribution on IOM removal.PACl showed better removal efficiency than AlCl3 with regard to the removal of turbidity and dissolved organic carbon (DOC),owing to the higher charge neutralization effect and greater stability of pre-formed Al13 species.High pressure size exclusion chromatography analysis indicated that the superiority of PACl in DOC removal could be ascribed to the higher binding affinity between Al13 polymer and the low and medium molecular weight (MW) fractions of IOM.The results of differential log-transformed absorbance at 254 and 350 nm indicated more significant formation of complexes between AlCl3 and IOM,which benefits the removal of tryptophan-like proteins thereafter.Additionally,PACl showed more significant superiority compared to AlCl3 in the removal of <5 kDa and hydrophilic fractions,which are widely viewed as the most difficult to remove by coagulation.This study provides insight into the interactions between Al species and IOM,and advances the optimization of coagulation for the removal of IOM in eutrophic water.
花园口:重点旅游区    花园口位于河南省郑州市北郊15公里处,宋时曾经在此建闸治水,后来渐渐形成村落。随着黄河河道南移,村落被河水淹没,成为黄河渡口,取名花园口。1938年6月,日本侵略军逼近郑州,国民党军队在此扒开黄河大堤,以图阻止日军,却造成了豫、皖、苏三省四十四县百姓的流离失所。如今的花园口是郑州重点旅游区之一,千里大堤蜿蜒曲折,滔滔黄河奔涌而过,气势之大,令人折服。    红旗渠:人工天