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本实验用420只大鼠(维斯特种)研究~(241)Am、~(239)Pu 和~(237)Np(均为硝酸盐)的辐射致癌效应。中毒途径为肺内、静脉内和皮下。注入核素活度为1.0,5.0,8.5μCi/kg体重。中毒后八个月到一年左右,发现动物长出骨肉瘤。各核素组骨肉瘤发生率,因剂量和途径不同而异。在镅中毒各组中,肺内注入核素活度为1.0μCi/kg时,雄鼠骨肉瘤发生率为34%,雌鼠为31%;肺内5.0μCi/kg时为74%(雄鼠);皮下8.5μCi/kg时为69%(雄鼠)。在钚中毒组中,肺内注入核素活度为1.0,5.0μCi/kg 两个剂量组,骨肉瘤发生率分别为55%和66%(均为雄鼠)。在镎中毒组中,肺内1.0μCi/kg时,骨肉瘤发生率为37%;而经静脉注入相同活度时,为53%(均为雄鼠)。三种核素经肺中毒时,都发现一定数量的原发肺癌,发生率在2—13%之间。而皮下和静脉内中毒组未发现原发肺癌。三种核素诱发的骨肉瘤都有严重的向肺转移倾向,转移率在25%到80%之间。三种核素中毒动物寿命比对照组缩短29—58%,其中以钚中毒组为最短。 In this experiment, the radiation carcinogenic effects of ~(241)Am, ~(239)Pu and ~(237)Np (both nitrates) were studied in 420 rats (Weiss special). The intoxication pathways were intrapulmonary, intravenous and subcutaneous. The injected radionuclide activity was 1.0, 5.0, and 8.5 μCi/kg body weight. Eight months to one year after poisoning, animals were found to develop osteosarcoma. The incidence of osteosarcoma in each radionuclide group varies with dose and route. In each group of sputum poisoning, when the intranuclear injection of nuclide activity was 1.0 μCi/kg, the incidence of osteosarcoma was 34% in males and 31% in females, and 74% in males (5.0 μCi/kg in lungs). ); 69% (male) at 8.5 μCi/kg subcutaneous. In the sputum poisoning group, the intranuclear injection of nuclide activity was 1.0, 5.0 μCi/kg two dose groups, the incidence of osteosarcoma was 55% and 66% (male). In the sputum poisoning group, the incidence of osteosarcoma was 37% in the lung at 1.0 μCi/kg, and 53% in the same activity when injected intravenously (all males). When the three kinds of nuclide were poisoned by lung, they found a certain amount of primary lung cancer, and the incidence rate was between 2% and 13%. No primary lung cancer was found in the subcutaneous and intravenous poisoning groups. All three radionuclide-induced osteosarcomas have a tendency to metastasize to the lungs with a metastasis rate of between 25% and 80%. The lifespan of three kinds of nuclide poisoning animals was 29-58% shorter than that of the control group, of which the sputum poisoning group was the shortest.
卡介苗(BCG)系1908年由牛型结核分枝杆菌变异株减毒获得。虽然用于抗结核接种已有50多年,但是对它的预防肺结核的效果尚有争论。 Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) was atte
口腔癌的发病率仅占人类全身癌的3~5%左右,但它同全身恶性肿瘤一样,威胁人类的生命。本文分析了274例口腔鳞癌的一般情况、治疗结果和生存率。 The incidence of oral cance
作者根据花斑癣病原菌(环状糠疹芽孢菌Pityrosporum ovale PO),可以引起色素脱失,进一步研究证实从PO中分离出其脂质组分(主要为杜鹃花酸)对酪氨酸酶有竞争性抑制作用,抑制