指数小幅上升 基金业绩分化——2010年2月基金行业综述

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2月A股市场小幅上涨,带动股票型、混合型、指数型基金净值平均上升了2.7%、2.6%、2.2%,各基金业绩分化明显。货币市场型基金平均月度收益率为0.10%,与1月持平;债券型和保本型基金平均净值分别上升0.8%和0.7%,均优于1月表现。QDII基金净值平均上涨0.9%,表现弱于境内偏股型基金。 In February, the A-share market edged up slightly, driving the equity of net-worth stocks, hybrids and index funds up 2.7%, 2.6% and 2.2% on average, respectively. The average monthly rate of return on money market funds was 0.10%, unchanged from January; the average net value of bond funds and guaranteed capital funds rose 0.8% and 0.7% respectively, better than January’s performance. QDII fund net average rose 0.9%, underperforming the domestic partial stock funds.
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