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事由:为颁发抗旱的指示,希切实遵照办理由各专署、南昌市人民政府、各县、市人民政府:近来各地又久晴不雨,南昌、抚州、九江、赣州、吉安、宁都等专区部份地区据报呈现不同程度的旱象与旱灾。根据初步统计,目前全省缺水的中晚稻田有一百三十余万亩,龟裂的中晚稻田有一十三万余亩,已干死的有七千余亩。为了争取农业生产的全年丰收,领导群众制止旱象成灾与坚决战胜旱灾,乃是各级政府刻不容缓的紧急任务。为此时作如下紧急指示:一、加强抗旱的组织领导。第一、应迅速健全与整顿各级抗旱组织,以加强抗旱工作的组织性和计划性。第二、深入进行思想动员,说明今年早稻丰收,是与战胜水、旱、虫等自然灾害分不开的,为了争取中晚稻丰收,就必须继续与旱灾作不懈的斗争,坚定「人力胜天」的信念,克服部 Cause: In order to issue instructions on drought relief, Xi will conscientiously follow the instructions from various agencies, Nanchang Municipal People’s Government, counties and municipal governments: Recently, some areas such as Changqing No Rain, Nanchang, Fuzhou, Jiujiang, Ganzhou, Ji’an and Ningdu The area reportedly shows varying degrees of drought and drought. According to preliminary statistics, there are over 130,000 mu of middle and late paddy fields lacking water in the province at present. There are over 130,000 mu of mid-to-late paddy fields cracked and over 7,000 mu have been dried up. In order to strive for a full-year harvest in agricultural production, it is an urgent task for all levels of government to lead the masses to stop the disaster of drought and resolutely defeat the drought. For this purpose, make the following emergency instructions: First, strengthen organizational leadership of drought. First, the drought-relief organizations at all levels should be promptly perfected and rectified so as to enhance the organization and planning of drought-relief work. Second, in-depth ideological mobilization shows that the harvest of early rice this year is inseparable from defeating natural disasters such as water, drought and insects. In order to win the good harvest of late rice, we must continue our unrelenting struggle against the drought and persevere in "Human Spirit Believe it or not, overcome the ministry
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