
来源 :商业经济文荟 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leijugui
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以搞活企业为中心的城市改革,在走过了扩权让利、两步利改税之后,1986年底转入以深化企业经营机制改革,增强企业活力为中心环节的阶段。党的十三大报告肯定了所有权与经营权分离是搞活全民所有制企业的原则。报告指出:“实行所有权与经营权分离,把经营权真正交给企业,理顺企业所有者、经营者和生产者的关系,切实保护企业合法权益,使企业真正做到自主经营、自负 Urban reform centered on invigorating enterprises, after passing through the expansion of power and profits, and the two-step profit-and-tax reform, was transferred to the end of 1986 in order to deepen the reform of the corporate operating mechanism and enhance the vitality of the enterprise as the central stage. The report of the 13th National Party Congress affirmed that the separation of ownership and management rights is the principle of invigorating all people-owned enterprises. The report pointed out: "Implementing the separation of ownership and management rights, and truly handing over management rights to enterprises, rationalizing the relationship between business owners, operators and producers, and earnestly protecting the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises so that enterprises can truly operate independently and be conceited.
去年秋天,我博客里收到一张纸条——很喜欢你的文章,希望能为我们杂志写稿,并请告知通信地址和联系方式。落款是《中学生百科》杂志社。以前收到过很多类似的信息,而我从来都选择沉默,但那天,我犹豫了,因为那条留言似乎有些不一样,特别是最后那句,“你上高中了吧,不耽误你太多时间,盼复。”我从字里行间隐隐感觉到了一种不同以往的真诚,于是回复了那张纸条。  我真的没有想到,这竟是缘起,一本远在千里之外的纯洁明亮
按照着五年計劃(1951—1955),蘇聯科學院的哲學研究所會同了科學院別的研究所進行“辯證唯物主義與近代自然科學”一書的準備。 這本書應該是先進的蘇維埃科學在物理學、化
文章对送变电工程安全施工的特点及存在问题进行分析,提出送变电工程安全施工具体措施。 The article analyzes the characteristics and existing problems of safety cons
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