Spatial hazard analysis and prediction on rainfall-induced landslide using GIS

来源 :科学通报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wyt20070210
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The application of landslide hazard model cou-pled with GIS provides an effective means to spatial hazardanalysis and prediction on rainfall-induced landslides. Amodified SINMAP model is established based upon the sys-tematic investigation on previous GIS-based landslide analy-sis models. By integrating the landslide deterministic modelwith the hydrological distribution model based on DEM, thismodel deeply studied the effect of underground water dis-tribution due to rainfall on the slope stability and landslideoccurrence, including the effect of dynamic water pressureresulting from the down slope seepage process as well as thatof static water pressure. Its applicability has been testified onthe Xiaojiang watershed, the rainfall-induced landslideswidespread area in Southeast China. Detailed discussion wascarried out on the spatial distribution characteristics oflandslide hazard and its extending trend, as well as thequantitative relationship between landslide hazard with pre-cipitation, slope angle and specific catchment area in theXiaojiang watershed. And the precipitation threshold forlandslide occurrence was estimated. These analytical resultsare proved useful for geohazard control and engineeringdecision-making in the Xiaojiang watershed.
中更新世气候转型在南海浮游有孔虫、氧同位素和其它生物记录上主要反映在900 ka BP前后发生高频率变化,特别是指示表层水骤然降温。北部冬季表层水温从24~25℃降至17~28℃,
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