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当今的世界是个开放的世界,随着改革开放的发展,现代化技术也在飞速发展,人类知识的总量也越来越大,要求学生掌握的知识也越来越多。作为体育方面的知识也不例外,为了使学生在有限的时间内学到更多的基础知识,发展学生智力并培养学生的教学能力,采用电化教学;来培养和发展学生的思维能力,启发学生的兴趣,调动学生学习的积极性,发挥教师的主导作用和学生的主体作用,以取得最佳的教学效果。 Today’s world is an open world. With the development of reform and opening up, modern technology is also developing rapidly. The total amount of human knowledge is also increasing. Students are required to acquire more and more knowledge. As the knowledge of sports is no exception, in order to enable students to learn more basic knowledge within a limited time, the development of student intelligence and develop students ’teaching ability, the use of e-teaching; to develop and develop students’ thinking skills, inspire students Interest, mobilize the enthusiasm of students to learn, play a leading role of teachers and the main role of students in order to obtain the best teaching results.
2003年7月14日,316国道97KM+500M处发生一起车祸,一辆建瓯开往石狮的大巴坠入120米深的山谷,造成14人当场死亡、6人受伤的特大交通事 On July 14, 2003, a car accident oc
I have a wonderful friend.She is very important in my life.She is helpful.I can learn from her.She teaches me a lot of knowledge.Sometimes she makes me laugh,an
<正> 一、概要去年3月上旬,我厂在FU-7生产中,发现阴极大批中毒,致使全线停产。经过反复试验,证明玻壳料中含氟化物,影响阴极中毒,并减低电子管寿命。实践证明电子管内云母片
准分子激光角膜原位磨镶术(Laser in situ keratomileusiss,LASIK)通常用于纠正成人的视力模糊。但这一手术对于近视眼儿童而言,可能也是一种安全的选择。爱尔兰研究人员发现,应用激光治疗可使严重近视的6名儿童视力敏锐度有很大程度的改善。5名儿童是弱视或“懒惰眼(lazy eye)”,这是大脑对一只眼睛有利而留下另一只眼睛视力很差的疾病。
最近,日本电气中央研究所研制出一种受软 X 射线影响小,高压情况下寿命长,清晰度高的硅光导管(电视、电话用)。由于摄像管在高压下长时间地工作,电子射束照射在靶的金属网格