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自2000年年初以来,随着医疗保险制度改革序幕的拉开,令人振奋的改革消息接二连三的传来:病人可以选择医生,可以在医院看病却不用在医院买药等等。然而导致医疗费用攀升的顽疾——药价,却迟迟让老百姓放不下心来。据悉,有一种叫环丙沙星的药出厂价为10元,批发价为19.5元,而几经周折后,病人从医院买回来的此种药,价格曾高达89.7元,如此高的价位真让人叹为观止。那么,一次感冒,花一二百元医药费,住院一次花几千甚至上万元也就不足为奇了。怪不得老百姓天天抱怨“看不起病”。据卫生部最新统计,目前我国每位居民看一次病平均要花费79元,住院需花费2891元。在城市有32.14%的患者因经济困难不敢上医院,63.13%应住院的患者不敢住院治疗。药价虚高而且往往高得出奇,这是谁都看得到的现象,但是这么多年来,为什么一直无法消除? Since the beginning of 2000, with the curtain-breaking reform of the medical insurance system, exciting news of reform came one after another: patients can choose their doctors, get medical treatment at hospitals without buying medicines at hospitals, and so on. However, leading to chronic illness rising medical costs - drug prices, but people have let the delay lay aside. It is reported that there is a ciprofloxacin drug ex-factory price of 10 yuan, the wholesale price of 19.5 yuan, and after several setbacks, the patient bought the hospital from the drug, the price was as high as 89.7 yuan, so high price really let People amazing. So, a cold, spend a hundred and two hundred dollars medical expenses, spend thousands of hospital even thousands of dollars is not surprising. No wonder people complain every day “look down on the disease ”. According to the latest statistics from the Ministry of Health, at present, every resident of our country takes an average of 79 yuan to see a disease and 2891 yuan to hospitalize. 32.14% of patients in cities did not dare to go to hospitals because of financial difficulties, and 63.13% of those who should be hospitalized did not dare to be hospitalized. The price is too high and often surprisingly high, this is a phenomenon that everyone can see, but over the years, why has been unable to eliminate?
In order to understand the development of stem cells into specialized mature cells it is necessary to study the growth of cells in culture. For this purpose it
近日,太仓国税局与太仓港区管委会联合举行仪式,发布太仓国税为太仓港经济发展量身定制的“六项制度、八大重点、十项举措”系列税收服务措 Recently, Taicang IRS and Taic
C16H13N5S2· (C2H5)3N: Mr = 440. 64, monoclinic, space group C2/c with a = 18.956(7)(?), b = 12. 866(7)(?), c = 20. 830(9)(?) , β=115. 63(3)°; Z=8; V = 4580(