Foreign Policy and External Relations

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   Diplomatic priorities
  The priories of China’s diplomatic work this year are as follows:
  Serving China’s domestic development. We will properly handle the external risks and challenges and create more favorable conditions for China’s economic and social development to serve the primary goal of shifting China’s growth model at a faster pace.
  Upholding peace. We will continue to firmly defend China’s sovereignty and security, stand for handling and resolving regional and international issues, hotspot ones in particular, through dialogue, consultation and negotiation, and play a responsible role.
  Promoting cooperation. We will enhance our friendly relations and cooperation with other countries and regional and international organizations. We will work with them to deepen common interests, meet global challenges and safeguard world peace and promote common development.
  In the next 10 years, favorable and unfavorable factors in the external environment of China will be interwoven. And on the whole, for China, opportunities outweigh challenges and the country is still at an important stage of strategic opportunities for development.
  China will remain committed to the independent foreign policy of peace, the path of peaceful development and a win-win strategy of opening up. We will continue to work with other countries to build a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity. We believe all countries should embrace win-win cooperation. This means that while pursuing one’s own interests, one also needs to take into account the interests of other countries; and while enjoying one’s rights, one should also fulfill its responsibilities.
   China and the United States
  The engagement between China and the United States has shown that a peaceful Sino-U.S. relationship benefits both countries, while a confrontational one harms both. There are some differences and disagreements between China and the United States. But on the whole this relationship has been moving forward, not backward.
  In handling Sino-U.S. relations, we always believe the two sides should view and handle this bilateral relationship from a strategic and long-term perspective. In particular, the U.S. side needs to honor its commitment and carefully and properly handle Taiwan and Tibet-related issues that concern China’s core interests. The two countries should work together to increase mutual strategic trust, remove various disturbances and embrace healthy interaction and win-win cooperation.
  China and the United States have more converging interests in the Asia-Pacific region than anywhere else in the world. The trend of peace, development and cooperation is going strong in this region. It meets people’s will and it is unstoppable. We believe all countries in the world, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are equal members of the international community. China is ready to work with other countries to build a more equal and harmonious world. We hope to see and welcome a constructive role by the United States in this region. At the same time, we hope the U.S. side will respect China’s interests and concerns.
   China and Russia
  We have noted that the presidential election of Russia was smoothly held on March 4. President Hu Jintao has sent a message of congratulations to newly elected President Vladimir Putin. We wish the people of the Russian Federation even greater achievements in their cause of national prosperity and revitalization.
  The Chinese Government is prepared to work closely with the Russian side to deepen the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination between the two countries and enhance their practical cooperation in all fields.
  The Sino-Russian relationship this year has “one central task” and “five priorities.”The one central task is to fully implement the plan for the development of Sino-Russian relations in the next 10 years. The five priorities are: ensuring the success of high-level contacts and mutual visits; increasing mutual political support; intensifying practical cooperation in fields such as economy, trade, energy, science, technology and infrastructure as well as at the local level; stepping up cultural and people-to-people exchanges; and enhancing cooperation in regional and international affairs.
   China and Japan
  The Chinese Government places high importance on China’s relationship with Japan. We believe the two sides need to continue to enhance mutual political trust in line with the principles enshrined in the four political documents between China and Japan, expand practical cooperation in all fields, improve sentiments between people of the two countries and push forward the development of ChinaJapan strategic relationship of mutual benefit.
  With respect to the sensitive issues between China and Japan, such as the history issue and the issue of Diaoyu Islands, we hope the Japanese side will fully recognize the complexity and sensitivity of issues concerning the political foundation and overall interests of Sino-Japanese relations. The Japanese side should truly take history as a mirror and look forward to the future, and properly handle these sensitive issues in keeping with the overall interests of its relationship with China.
  To enhance mutual strategic trust between China and Japan, it is crucial that both sides view each other’s development from an objective and strategic perspective, and truly see each other as an opportunity and partner for development.
  This year, Premier Wen Jiabao will hold the fifth China-Japan-South Korea trilateral leaders’ meeting in China. We believe the parties should enhance the building of the ChinaJapan-South Korea free trade area and work together to push forward future-oriented, alldimensional partnership for cooperation.

   China and the EU
  Although the euro zone has encountered some difficulties, the EU and the European countries have the ability and wisdom to overcome the current difficulties, resolve their debt issue and make new progress. We always have confidence in the EU and the euro zone, and we have supported the EU’s efforts in stabilizing the financial situation through our own ways. We will continue to invest in Europe for mutual benefit.
   China and neighboring countries
  One should view China’s relationship with its neighboring countries in the broader context of the general trend of development. I believe now the general trend is a positive one. China pursues a policy of building good relationships and partnerships with countries in its neighborhood. We are committed to deepening the mutually beneficial cooperation with other Asian countries. Relations between China and other Asian countries are good, and there are a lot of positive factors.
  First, there have been close high-level exchanges. Last year, there were high-level mutual visits between China and the majority of other Asian countries. Take ASEAN countries for example. There were over 50 high-level mutual visits between China and ASEAN countries. High-level exchanges have played an irreplaceable role in guiding the efforts of China and other Asian countries in increasing mutual understanding and friendship.
  Second, the interests of China and other Asian countries have become more closely entwined. I have visited some Asian countries recently. I feel the Asian countries want to benefit from the sustained, positive momentum of the Chinese economy. And they hope China will enjoy continuous development.
  China has become the biggest trading partner of the majority of its neighbors. Last year, trade between China and other Asian countries topped $1 trillion. China’s investment in the Asian region approached $20 billion. Cooperation between China and other Asian countries in science, technology, finance, energy and infrastructure has been unprecedented in terms of both breadth and depth.
  Third, mutual coordination has increased. China and other Asian countries have helped each other and worked closely together in handling major regional and international issues, pushing forward regional cooperation and tackling the international financial crisis and major natural disasters.
  Fourth, there have been dynamic cultural and people-to-people exchanges. Last year, China and many other Asian countries held cultural and people-to-people exchange activities such as friendship years and youth festivals. These activities have helped improve relations between the Chinese people and the people of other Asian countries.
   China and Africa
  We are seized by a strong sense of responsibility that the African people have chosen China as their partner for sincere cooperation. China is a developing country, and China wants to work with African countries to build a bright future. Some say that China’s influence in Africa is on the rise. I think we should say that the consensus of the international community that African countries face enormous opportunities for development is on the rise.
  The international community should actively support Africa’s peace and development cause, actively support African countries in seeking self-enhancement through unity and independently resolving African issues, actively support African countries in strengthening their own capabilities for development, and actively support African countries in safeguarding their own rights and interests and playing a bigger role in international affairs.
   China and India
  Both China and India want to see continuous, sound and steady growth of their relationship and they want to enhance exchanges, increase mutual trust and expand cooperation. China and India have agreed on maintaining high-level exchanges, advancing practical cooperation in all fields and intensifying personnel interflow and cultural exchanges. We need to do all specific work well in implementing the important agreements reached at the leadership level, including conducting consultations between the two sides on maritime security and working together to ensure peace and tranquility in the China-India border areas.
   BRICS Summit
  China hopes the upcoming BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) Summit will achieve important results in three areas: boosting growth, promoting stability, and enhancing cooperation. We hope the summit will help enhance people’s confidence in world economic growth and add new impetus to world economic recovery. We hope the summit will bring out the active and constructive role of BRICS countries in international affairs and promote the relaxation and stability of regional situation, help push forward the practical cooperation among the BRICS countries in economy, finance and other fields, and bring real benefits to people of the BRICS countries and people of the world.
   SCO Summit
  China will play host to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Summit this year, whose theme is to deepen good neighborly relations and plan the future of the SCO. There are three main items on the agenda of the summit: discussing measures for enhancing friendly relations and cooperation under the SCO framework and formulating a strategy on the development of the organization in the next 10 years; planning the next stage of practical cooperation of the SCO, in particular the establishment of institutional safeguards for the financing of multilateral cooperation; and holding an exchange of views on regional and international situations, with a focus on improving the SCO measures in coping with situations that pose threats to regional peace, stability and security.
   South China Sea
  China always believes the disputes in the South China Sea should be properly resolved through negotiations between the parties to the disputes on the basis of facts and in accordance with the basic norms governing international relations. Before the final settlement of the disputes, the parties concerned may put aside their disputes and engage in joint development. China and the relevant countries have reached important agreements on peacefully resolving disputes and pushing forward practical cooperation in the South China Sea. China and ASEAN countries have reached agreements on the guidelines on the implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea.
   Korean Peninsula
  It serves the common interests of all parties concerned and meets the aspiration of the international community to uphold peace and security on the Korean Peninsula, achieve the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and the normalization of relations between relevant countries, and build a peace and security mechanism for Northeast Asia. The six-party talks have become an effective mechanism and important platform for discussing and resolving the above-mentioned issues.
  As the chair of the six-party talks, China has stayed in close touch with other relevant parties. We have always encouraged dialogue in pursuit of a peaceful settlement of relevant issues and our work has achieved important results. We hope all the parties concerned will pool their wisdom, remove disturbances and work together to play a constructive role in advancing the six-party process and achieving the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and lasting peace and stability in Northeast Asia.
  The Second Nuclear Security Summit will be held in Seoul later this month. During the summit, there will be discussions on enhancing the security of nuclear materials and nuclear facilities and guarding against nuclear terrorism. I believe with the joint efforts of all the participants, the summit will also set out new, concrete measures related to nuclear security. That can help further build up international consensus on nuclear security and inject new dynamism into related international efforts.

   Middle East
  We firmly believe people in the Middle East know best the situation there, issues in the Middle East region should be resolved by the people of the Middle East, and the future and destiny of the region should be determined by the people there.
  Over the years, China has been a firm supporter of the just cause of the Arab countries and their people. The two sides have forged a deep friendship, and there are no historical grievances between the two sides. What the two sides have is expanding common interests and the consensus of working together to uphold peace and promote development.
  It is true that China and some Arab countries may sometimes differ in specific ways of action, but the two sides have the same overall objective of promoting stability, development and prosperity in the Middle East. Cooperation between China and Arab countries is comprehensive and strategic, and the friendship and cooperation between the two sides can stand the test of changing international circumstances. Peace, stability and development in the Middle East serves the fundamental interests of both people in that region and the international community. This is the overarching purpose and end goal in our dealing with relevant issues in the Middle East.
  We are opposed to the development and possession of nuclear weapons by any country in the Middle East, including Iran. At the same time, we believe all countries, while fulfilling their obligations, have the right to the peaceful use of nuclear energy. We believe the Iranian nuclear issue should be properly handled and resolved though dialogue not confrontation, through cooperation not sanctions. We are opposed to imposing unilateral sanctions. We place high importance on the mechanism of consultation and negotiation between the “P5 plus one” (UN Security Council’s five permanent members and Germany) and Iran. China has stayed in close communication and coordination with the United States, Russia, the EU, and other members concerned. We hope the next round of dialogue under this mechanism will happen soon, so as to push forward the process of seeking a proper settlement of the Iranian nuclear issue.
2006年10月,党的十六届六中全会首次提出,要注重促进人的心理和谐,加强人文关怀和心理疏导的要求. 党的十七大明确指出,要加强和改进思想政治工作,注重人文关怀和心理疏导,用
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Yuan Chunqing  NPC deputy, Secretary of the CPC Shanxi Provincial Committee  I have been truly inspired and feel confident about the report.  First, it reflects continuity of last year’s policies. The