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狙击手在战争中的作用毋庸质疑。他们高效率地射杀敌方人员,毁伤关键设备,迟滞敌方部队的行动;他们行踪诡秘、伪装良好、难于察觉;他们的存在往往带来恐慌,成为敌方的心腹之患。随着狙击步枪射程、精度、威力的提高,以及高性能观瞄设备的涌现,狙击手的威胁日益增加。对付狙击手,一直以来都没有很好的技术手段。一般采用“以毒攻毒”的方式,即以己方的狙击手对付敌方的狙击手,然而这种方式存在着太多的不确定性,不能确保发现敌方的狙击手,因此不适用于不容有失的安全保卫行动。随着技术的发展,很多国家开发出多种机理的狙击手探测系统,主要有声探测系统、红外探测系统和激光探测系统。这些系统的出现,在一定程度上缓解了来自狙击手的威胁。 The role of sniper in the war is beyond question. They efficiently shoot down enemy personnel, wreak havoc on key equipment, and retards the actions of enemy forces; they make their whereabouts so secretive, disguiseable and difficult to detect; and their presence often leads to panic and confrontation with the enemy. With the sniper rifle range, accuracy, power improvements, and the emergence of high-performance sighting devices, the threat of snipers increasing. For snipers, there has been no good technical means. Generally use the “poison attack” approach, that is, one's own sniper to deal with the enemy sniper, but this method there is too much uncertainty, can not be sure to find the enemy snipers, it does not apply to not be lost Security operations. With the development of technology, many countries have developed a variety of mechanisms for sniper detection system, the main sound detection system, infrared detection system and laser detection system. The emergence of these systems, to some extent, mitigate the threat from the sniper.
To identify the aggregates causing the alkali-silica reaction,and the reactivity of rocks in different parts of China,the mineral and texture characteristics of
THE Chinese film The Goddess, made in 1934, was hailed by critics as “eternal” and “the pinnacle of Chinese silent film.” Wu Yonggang wrote and directed thi