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2004年国家统计局公布了中国首个《文化及相关产业分类》,将文化产业界定为新闻、出版、网络、娱乐、旅游十几个行业。同时,随着政府倡导文化产业的呼声愈来愈高,“文化产业”成为社会关注的热点。文化产业是出售文化、信息、智慧的经济活动,它以文化为基础,以创意为手段,以市场为目标,经过创新性的脑力劳动,来创造财富。项目是发展文化产业的载体、外壳,而创意则是其内核,是文化产业的灵魂,要做大做强文化产业项目,首先要针对市场进行创造性的文化创意。美国文化产业作为其国民经济三大支柱产业之一,占GDP的比重达20%以上,已取代航空航天业成为第一大出口行业。日本文化产业的市场规模已赶上汽车行业。文化产业对就业的促进作用不可小觑。据统计,文化产业在GDP中所占比重每增加一个百分点,就能增加就业100万人。 In 2004, the National Bureau of Statistics announced China’s first category of “culture and related industries”, defining the cultural industry as a dozen of news, publishing, internet, entertainment and tourism industries. At the same time, as the government calls for the promotion of cultural industries more and more high, the “cultural industry” has become a hot topic of social concern. Cultural industry is the economic activity of selling culture, information and wisdom. It uses culture as its foundation, creativity as its means and market as its goal, through innovative mental work to create wealth. The project is to develop the carrier and shell of the cultural industry while the creative idea is the core of the cultural industry. It is the soul of the cultural industry. To expand and strengthen the cultural industry project, we must first make creative cultural ideas for the market. As one of the three pillar industries of its national economy, the U.S. cultural industry accounts for more than 20% of GDP and has replaced the aerospace industry as the largest export industry. The market size of Japanese culture industry has caught up with the automotive industry. Cultural industries on the promotion of employment should not be underestimated. According to statistics, every percentage point increase in the share of cultural industries in GDP will increase the employment of 1 million people.
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GeoGebra软件5.0.306-3D版的语言选项中涉及国家和地区有69个,其官网上公布的指令已达470个(含一个5.2版本的预备指令,凸多面体:Polyhedron Command)。在对所有指令的学习和使用
目的:急性T淋巴细胞白血病(T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia, T-ALL)是一种恶性血液系统肿瘤,以不成熟的T淋巴细胞母细胞恶性增殖为特点。临床以联合化疗为主,但出现复发
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目的:观察针灸和中药改善胃癌患者术后生活质量的临床作用.方法:将胃癌根治性手术后的108例患者随机分成对照组、中药组和针灸组, 各36例. 对照组给予术后常规处理; 中药组给予
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