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4.2 我国企业改革的六个阶段20世纪70年代末,党的十一届三中全会的召开,拉开了我国经济体制改革的序幕.搞活企业,增强企业活力是以城市为重点的整个经济体制改革的中心环节.我国企业改革是一个随着对改革的理论认识不断提高而逐步深化的渐进式过程.总的来看,大体经历了六个阶段.即:简政放权、减税让利,实行经营责任制,两步利改税,厂长负责制,改革经营方式,转换经营机制等.4.2.1 简政放权,减税让利阶段(1978—198O年)也称扩大企业自主权阶段,1978年10月四川率先改革,选择了宁江机床厂等六个企业进行扩权试点.十一届三中全会后,1979年5月,国家纪委、财政部等六个单位又在北京、天津、上海等地选择了首都钢铁公司,天津自行车厂,上海柴油机厂等八个单位进行扩大自主权的试点.试点后,效果极好,得到了许多企业和广大职工的拥护.一些部门和地方, 4.2 Six stages of corporate reform in China In the late 1970s, the convening of the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China opened the prelude to the reform of China’s economic system. The entire economic system that revitalizes enterprises and enhances their vitality is based on cities. The central link of reform is that China’s corporate reform is a gradual process that gradually deepens as the theoretical understanding of reforms continues to improve. Overall, it has gone through six stages in general: namely, decentralization, tax reduction, and profit- Business responsibility system, two-step profit-and-tax reform, director responsibility system, reform of management methods, conversion of operating mechanisms, etc. 4.2.1 Dismantling powers in a simple manner, tax reduction and profit-sharing stage (1978-198O) also called the stage of expanding enterprise autonomy, 1978 In October of this year, Sichuan took the lead in reforms and selected six companies, including the Ningjiang Machine Tool Plant, to carry out pilot projects to expand the scale. After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, in May 1979, the National Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Ministry of Finance and other six units were in Beijing and Tianjin. In Shanghai and other places, eight units including the Capital Steel Company, the Tianjin Bicycle Factory, and the Shanghai Diesel Engine Plant have selected pilot projects to expand their autonomy. After the trials, the results were excellent and they were supported by many enterprises and employees. Some departments and localities,
The wire and cable industry is one of the largest primary supporting industries of the national economy. According to the Wire and Cable The wire and cable ind