高唱主旋律 铸牢戍边魂

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“赞颂科学发展成就、忠实履行历史使命”教育活动开展以来,黑龙江省伊春军分区党委紧密结合边防军分区实际,让课堂教育与社会实践相结合,教育引导与促进工作相结合,让官兵在社会大课堂中感受科学发展成就、感悟党的光荣伟大,有效激发了官兵的戍边热情,增强了官兵爱国戍边、履行使命的责任感和使命感。 “Praise the achievements of scientific development, faithfully perform the historical mission ” Since the launch of education activities, Yichun Military District Party committee in Heilongjiang Province, in close connection with the actual situation of the partition of border guards, the combination of classroom education and social practice, education, guidance and promotion combined, let The officers and soldiers felt the achievements in scientific development in social classes and realized the glorious greatness of the party. They effectively aroused the enthusiasm of the officers and men in depressing the garrison and strengthened the sense of responsibility and mission of the officers and men in patriotic guarding and guarding the country.
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摘 要:从介绍约瑟夫·奈的“软实力”理论产生的时代背景、主要内容等方面入手,结合文化自觉的两重性,主张发展文化软实力,对内以“除旧立新”、“推陈出新”、“温故知新”为基础,加强文化转型的自主能力,增强内部文化软实力;对外开展文化交流,促进文化产品输出,取得新时代文化选择的自主地位,扩大中华文化影响力。  关键词:软实力;文化自觉;启示  中图分类号:G112 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-2
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