德国驻成都总领事鲁悟刚:致力提升成渝地区国际知名度 将把更多德企引入中国西部

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  On March 11, the German Consulate General in Chengdu held the "Spring Reception Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of German Reunification" in Chongqing. In a journalist interview, Wolfgang Rudischhauser, the German Consul General  in Chengdu, said that the Western region of China embraces great potential for development and during his term, he will strive to enhance the awareness of Southwest China, especially Chongqing and Chengdu in Germany; at the same time, he will introduce more German small and medium-sized enterprises to Western China for shared development.
  Wolfgang Rudischhauser assumed the post of German Consul General  in Chengdu in October 2019. Since taking office, he has been visiting Chongqing almost every month. A big fan of Chongqing, he said the landscape of the city differs from that of plain cities such as Shanghai and Chengdu with a distinctive appeal. Modern skylines, old buildings with profound history, bustling shopping centers, and one-of-a-kind street shops... here modernity meets antiquity and leaves a deep impression on him. In addition, the spicy and savory hot pot also lures his palate.
  From 1997 to 2001, Wolfgang Rudischhauser served as the deputy Consul General of the German Consulate General in Shanghai. In 2019, he returned to work in China after nearly 20 years, only to be amazed by the tremendous changes in China. Wolfgang Rudischhauser said that in the year of 2000, China's economic center of gravity still lay in the eastern coastal areas. In the past 20 years, however, China's inland areas have not only developed rapidly, but the rural impoverished population under the current standards have all been lifted out of poverty.   He also mentioned that in Germany, many people are familiar with Beijing and Shanghai in China, but few know about Chongqing and Chengdu in Western China. During his office, the most important task will be enhancing the awareness of Southwest China in Germany, especially Chongqing and Chengdu. At the same time, he will also work hard to introduce more German small and medium-sized enterprises into Western China and Chongqing for investment and business development.
  In Wolfgang Rudischhauser's view, Chengdu and Chongqing boast huge potentials as they have a slew of well-educated young people, relatively low cost of living, all-reaching convenient transportation and other outstanding advantages. In particular, the implementation of the Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle strategy will promote close cooperation between two cities and further enhance the region's competitive advantages. This will become a major opportunity for German companies to settle in the region.
  In addition to economic and trade investment, Wolfgang Rudischhauser also expressed his hope to deepen the cooperation between Chongqing and Germany in the fields of culture, education,etc. He added that Germany has both profound classical and modern culture, as well as numerous eminent films and books, and hoped to deepen cooperation between regions. Education remains the focus of cooperation between the two sides. Chongqing and Germany already witnessed multiple partnerships between universities. Next, he expected to strengthen cooperation in vocational training.
  Wolfgang Rudischhauser mentioned that the China-Europe Railway Express Railway Express (Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe) is also an important factor in strengthening the cooperation between Chongqing and Germany. China-Europe Railway Express Railway Express (Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe) is the country's first block train to Europe. In March, 2011, China-Europe Railway Express Railway Express (Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe) was officially opened from Chongqing to Duisburg, Germany. In January 2021, the block train made its debut. In 10 years, the China-Europe Railway Express Railway Express (Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe) has formed a distribution system covering more than 30 countries in Asia and Europe, and the block train has also become an important carrier of the “Belt and Road” Initiative.
  Wolfgang Rudischhauser believes that China-Europe Railway Express Railway Express (Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe) facilitates the logistics transportation between Chongqing and Germany as well. Through this block train, Chinese electronic products, household appliances, etc. were shipped to Germany and then entered millions of households in Europe; at the same time, European goods including German automobiles and machinery equipment were also continuously imported into China, bringing benefits to both parties. He wished that in the future, through the joint endeavors of both parties, the types and quantities of goods transported by China-Europe Railway Express Railway Express will continue to be enriched, and outbound and inbound carriages will be filled up, reducing transportation costs while increasing the competitiveness of the train.
4月13日,在全市統战系统“服务高质量发展商会建设年”活动启动会上,市发改委与市工商联签署《合作共建欧洲重庆中心框架协议》。今后,双方将合作共建欧洲重庆中心,逐步完善其功能定位,塑造其品牌价值,将欧洲重庆中心打造成为重庆高质量发展、高水平开放的一张新“名片”。  On April 13, at the city's united front system's kick-off meeting of
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从渝中区两路口往鹅岭公园方向缓坡上行一段,便是国际村社区。居民楼依山而建,石梯小巷蜿蜒曲折,就像城市的毛细血管逶迤伸展,周边很多老建筑至今保存较好。其实,曾经的国际村范围比现在的国际村社区还大。抗战时期以该地区为核心,李子坝、两路口、佛图关等地,进驻多国外交机构,往来无数外交人员及国际友人。  抗战时期,重庆作为战时首都,成为世界反法西斯国际统一战线多方力量的聚集地。1937年至1946年,外国在
来自东盟国家的啤酒、咖啡、手工艺品、实木家具等产品,中国西部地区的蜂蜜等特色农产品、摩托车配件等工业产品,通过重庆跨境公路班车在重庆巴南区东盟商品集采城集散。重庆跨境公路班车已成为中国与东盟国家经贸往来的重要纽带,开辟了中国西部内陆与东盟经贸往来“快车道”。  为畅通与“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的连接,助力西部完善公铁水空多式联运体系,由巴南区政府牵头、重庆公运东盟国际物流有限公司运营打造的重庆跨境
为增强全办干部职工对党史知识的了解,切实把学习教育焕发的政治热情转化为对党忠诚、履职奉献、担当作为的实际行动,5月10日,一场以“学史知来 砥砺前行”为主题的党史和习近平外交思想知识竞赛活动在市政府外办举行。  此次竞赛围绕党史和习近平外交思想,以“学史知来 砥砺前行”8个字分为8个专题分别开展,设立必答题、抢答题等环节。共有7支代表队、21名选手同台竞技、尽显风采。参赛选手精神饱满、积极作答、沉
泰国作为澜湄合作机制的发起国之一,非常重视该机制的发展。过去5年,澜湄合作机制在政治安全、经济和可持续发展、社会人文三大支柱,并在互联互通、产能、跨境经济、水资源、农业和减贫等方面的合作取得了重要进展。  该机制称得上是本地区最成功的合作机制。中国在该机制中的作用至关重要,为机制内400个合作项目提供资金支持。同时将水资源合作级别提升为部长级,并同意与区域内各国分享全年的水情信息。我们支持澜湄合作
为利用外事资源服务区县对外发展,进一步增进各国驻渝蓉领馆对重庆扶贫工作的了解,推动重庆与有关国家交流与合作,在中央外办的指导和统筹安排下,重庆市政府外办于10月20至21日邀请组织柬埔寨、新加坡、巴基斯坦、澳大利亚、加拿大、菲律宾等6国驻渝蓉总领事、领事官员,香港贸发局驻重庆办事处负责人,常驻渝国(境)外媒体及部分市属主流媒体走进彭水苗族土家族自治县,考察当地脱贫攻坚工作。  考察团一行先后前往彭
10月13至15日,市政府外办组织日本经济新闻社重庆支局、新加坡联合早报驻重庆分社、香港商报驻重庆办事处、《重庆与世界》杂志等8家驻渝国(境)外媒体及部分市属主流媒体赴城口县参访,考察城口脱贫攻坚和经济发展成就,助推该县扩大对外开放发展。  考察期间,市政府外办副主任王雯、亚洲处、新闻处负责人及媒体考察团成员,与城口县相关部门举行座谈会,前往多个乡镇、社区、村实地采访,走进建档立卡贫困户家中,考察
佐頓·维赞 1979年生于匈牙利,自幼在布达佩斯学习玻璃工艺,致力于玻璃艺术近30年,学习了传统的玻璃切割和雕刻方式,以及丰富的创作和创新技巧。他被公认为现代玻璃雕刻的顶级艺术家之一,其作品在多个国家和地区展出并获奖。  4月23日至5月6日,“光的本源,来自匈牙利的灵感”匈牙利当代艺术家佐顿·维赞个展在重庆维岸画廊展出。本次展览由匈牙利驻重庆总领事馆和香港维岸画廊共同主办,展出佐顿·维赞的近40