Eleven—year—old girl stands out at the Open

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  Lucy Li isn’t a common 11-year-old girl—she’s the youngest person to qualify for a US Women’s Open golf tournament(美国女子高尔夫公开赛).
  She qualified for the US Women’s Open in May at a tournament at Half Moon Bay, near San Francisco where she set a new record by seven strokes.
  Earlier this week Li expressed that she was not nervous about becoming the center of attention at today’s game. “I just want to go out there and have fun and play the best I can and I really don’t care about the result. It’s just I want to have fun and learn. I can learn a lot from these great players.”
  Li doesn’t spend all her time golfing; she is home-schooled in an online Stanford University program. Her favorite subjects are math, history, and science and she loves to read. She also loves swimming, dancing, and table tennis.
  But golf is her favorite sport. “I like golf because it’s different from other sports. Anybody can play it, whether you’re tall, short, fast or slow; that’s what I like about it,” she said.
  Some female golfers are worried that Li isn’t quite ready for the Open.
  “When I found out she qualified well, I said, where does she go from here? You qualify for an Open at 11, what do you do next? If it was my kid, I wouldn’t let her play in the US Open qualifier at 11, but that’s just me,” said world champion Stacy Lewis.
  Dottie Pepper, an ESPN(娛乐体育节目电视网)reporter, thinks that the most important thing is that Li doesn’t think of winning in terms of her scorecard.
  “If the definition of success for her this week is not based on score, then I don’t think it’s too young... The important thing for her is to treat the whole experience as a kid on the golf score. Forget expectations,” Dottie said.
  qualify v. 具有资格
  female adj. 女性的
  (Which sport do you like best?)
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