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昭通市未来城市建设层的适宜性和发展方向应该受自然环境、经济和社会因素 3个方面因素的控制 ,它们决定了城市建设层的功能的需求。通过影响昭通市建设层的自然环境状况、城市经济和社会发展现状和在建或将建的几个重大工程对城市建设发展的影响程度等几个方面 ,对昭通市城市建设层的适宜性进行了综合评价 ,划分了城市建设层的适宜区和功能区区划。文章认为 :(1)昭通市所处的地质、地理环境是相对脆弱的 ,资源开发和城市建设与地质、地理环境的优化已经具有很大的不协调性。 (2 )原来的昭通市城市发展规划中把未来城市发展定位为以褐煤资源开发为中心的发展模式存在很多弊端和经济风险。 (3)昭通市所处的社会经济发展现状表明本区经济结构正处于重大调整阶段。促使城市发展调整的动力 ,有经济发展的本身需求动力 ,也有外部机遇的刺激 (国家重大工程的实施 )。本区发展动力主要来源于后者。但是重大工程的实施 ,必将带来环境恶化等负面效应。文章综合研究认为 ,现阶段褐煤的大规模开发策略是不可取的 ,水利、交通等的发展才是首要选择。 (4 )昭通市将来的发展更可能是以高效农业为基础 ,利用其区域中心城市、物资集散地、交通枢纽的区位优势和廉价的劳动力 ,充分发展运输、资讯、商业、娱乐、休闲等服务 The suitability and development direction of future urban construction in Zhaotong should be controlled by three factors of natural environment, economy and social factors, which determine the function of urban construction. By influencing the natural environment of the construction level of Zhaotong City, the status quo of urban economy and social development, and the influence degree of several major projects under construction or to be built on the urban construction and development, the suitability of Zhaotong’s urban construction level A comprehensive evaluation of urban construction division of the appropriate area and functional area division. The article thinks: (1) Zhaotong City is located in the geological and geographical environment is relatively fragile, resource development and urban construction and geological, geographical environment optimization has great inconsistencies. (2) The original development model of Zhaotong City has many drawbacks and economic risks of positioning the future urban development as the development mode centered on the development of brown coal resources. (3) The current socio-economic development in Zhaotong City shows that the economic structure of the district is undergoing a major adjustment phase. The impetus for the adjustment of urban development is driven by the demand for economic development itself and stimulated by external opportunities (the implementation of major national projects). The driving force of development in this area mainly comes from the latter. However, the implementation of major projects will surely bring negative effects such as the deterioration of the environment. Comprehensive study of the article believes that large-scale development of lignite at this stage strategy is not desirable, the development of water conservancy, transport and other is the first choice. (4) The future development of Zhaotong City is more likely to be based on efficient agriculture and make full use of the advantages of its regional central cities, distribution centers of materials and transport and the cheap labor force to fully develop the transportation, information, commerce, entertainment and leisure services
某大型输水泵站底板混凝土量为23230 m~3,底板厚度2.0m,施工属于大体积混凝土,为使大体积混凝土施工符合技术先进、经济合理、安全适用的原则,确保工程质量,需采取相应的技术
子贡①问曰:“孔文子②何以谓之文也?”子曰:“敏③而好学,不耻下问④,是以谓之文也。”  ——《论语》  ①子贡:孔子的学生。  ②孔文子:春秋时卫国的一位大夫,名圉(yǔ),“文”是其死后被赐予的谥(shì)号,是对他生前品德和行为处事的总结,“子”是尊称。  ③敏:聪明,勤奋。  ④不耻下问:不把向地位比自己低、学识比自己少的人请教当成可耻的事情。耻:以……为耻。  卫国有一位大夫叫孔圉,死后
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