过去20多年中,中国抓住了国际国内的有利机遇,直面体制转型带来的种种阵痛,应对来自国内外一个又一个的挑战,不仅顺利地实现了邓小平同志提出的“三步走”战略目标的前两步,全国从整体上进入了全面建设小康社会的新阶段,也平稳地由计划经济体制过渡到了初步建立起来的社会主义市场经济体制。 当中国在一个更高的起点、更有利的体制环境、更强大的综合国力、更广阔的国际舞台、更不可多得的战略机遇的平台上,进入到全面建设小康社会的时候,我们更有信心顺利地实现“第三步”战略目标。 信心是中华民族伟大复兴的精神支柱。但饱蘸信心的同时,我们同样要直面更艰巨、更复杂、更具有挑战性的种种难题,并以兵临城下、如履薄冰的谨慎和勇气,化险滩为坦途。
Over the past two decades or so, China has seized the favorable opportunities at home and abroad, confronted with the pains caused by the structural transformation and responded to challenges from home and abroad one by one. This not only successfully achieved the strategic goal of “three steps” put forward by Deng Xiaoping , The whole country has entered a new phase of building an overall well-to-do society as a whole and has also smoothly transitioned from a planned economic system to a socialist market economic system that has been initially established. When China is entering a platform for building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and on a platform with a higher starting point, a more favorable institutional environment, a stronger comprehensive national strength, a broader international arena, and a rare strategic opportunity, we have even more Confidence to successfully achieve the “third step” strategic goal. Confidence is the spiritual pillar of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. However, while we are full of confidence, we also have to face the more difficult, complex and challenging problems we face.