Biodegradation of Absorbable Hydroxyapatite/Poly-DL-lactide Composites in Different Environment

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:daizhenzeze
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To develop a new generation of absorbable fracture fixation devices with enhanced biocompatibility, the biodegradation mechanism and its influence on the cellular response at the tissue/implant interface of hydroxyapatite/ poly DL lactide (HA/PDLLA) composites were investigated in vitro and in vivo.HA/PDLLA rods were immersed in phosphate buffered saline,or implanted in muscle and bony tissue for 52 weeks.Scanning electron microscopic and histological studies were done.The degradation rate was the slowest in vitro,slower in muscle tissue and fast in bone.In vitro, the composites degraded heterogeneously and a hollow structure was formed.In bone,the limited clearing capacity leads to the accumulation of oligomeric debris,which contribute totally to the autocatalytic effect.So,the fastest degradation and intense tissue response were seen.In muscle tissue,oligomeric debris migrated into vicinal fibers over a long distance from the original implant cavity and the tissue reactions were,however, quite moderate.For the same size organic/inorganic composite,the environment where it was placed is the major factor in determining its biodegradation process and cellular reaction.In living tissue,factors such as cells,enzymes and mechanical stress have an obvious influence on the biodegradation and biological process at the tissue/implant interface.The biocompatibility of the HA/PDLLA composites is enhanced with the incorporating of the resorbable HA microparticles. To develop a new generation of absorbable fracture fixation devices with enhanced biocompatibility, the biodegradation mechanism and its influence on the cellular response at the tissue / implant interface of hydroxyapatite / poly DL lactide (HA / PDLLA) composites were investigated in vitro and in vivo. HA / PDLLA rods were immersed in phosphate buffered saline, or implanted in muscle and bony tissue for 52 weeks. Scanning electron microscopic and histological studies were done. The degradation rate was the slowest in vitro, slower in muscle tissue and fast in bone. vitro, the composites degraded heterogeneously and a hollow structure was formed.In bone, the limited clearing capacity leads to the accumulation of oligomeric debris, which contribute totally to the autocatalytic effect. So, the fastest degradation and intense tissue response were seen. In muscle tissue, oligomeric debris migrated into vicinal fibers over a long distance from the original implant cavity and the tissue reactions were, h owever, quite moderate. For the same size organic / inorganic composite, the environment where it was placed is the major factor in determining its biodegradation process and cellular reaction. living tissue, factors such as cells, enzymes and mechanical stress have an obvious influence on the biodegradation and biological process at the tissue / implant interface. The biocompatibility of the HA / PDLLA composites is enhanced with the incorporating of the resorbable HA microparticles.
11月14日 晴  你们在这座山上等待千年,只为我们能看到你今天的美丽!  ——题记  “嘿,葫芦藓在这。”“嗨,我找到金银花了。”“啊,这刺好扎人啊!”  我们在干什么呢?哦,我们在南山识辨植物呢。  一到南山,一片灿烂出现在我的眼前,到处是生机勃勃的绿,到处是艳丽的红,当然在这美好的环境里怎能少的了野草家族呢?于是我们便分成了四队开始寻找野外植物,只见张艺轩捧着电脑来到我身边,“逗逗,我们第一