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21世纪高等教育的一个突出特征是从人的个性出发,体现以人为本,尊重学生主体地位和主体人格,培养学生的自主性、主动性和创造性。高职院校学生素质教育体现了高等职业教育以人为本的理念,是对学生培养目标的核心要求,也是整个教育界关注的重点课题。近年来,不少教育工作者提出“高职教育应注重学生素质教育”的思想,并具体实践在入学教育、礼仪教育、教寝室文化教育、创就业理论和实践教育等各个方面。高职学生的素质教育对普通高等教育学科教育无疑是一种进步。为了更好地促进学生在德智体美劳诸方面都得到全面的发展,特别是高职院校学生先学会做人后学会做事,保证知识和能力的全面提高,我院特提出了实行“学生素质教育学分制”。这种理念尤其切合了高等职业教育的特点,许多高职院校以之为指导进行教学调整和创新,以专业培养目标为核心,以职业成长为依托,在夯实学生文化知识底蕴的基础上,重点关注职业实践素质、开拓创新素质、社会适应素质的培养和提高,取得了良好的教育教学效果。 A prominent feature of higher education in the 21st century is starting from the individual personality, embodying people-oriented, respecting students ’subjective status and subjective personality, and cultivating students’ autonomy, initiative and creativity. The quality education of students in higher vocational colleges embodies the concept of putting people first in higher vocational education and is the core requirement of students’ training objectives. It is also a key topic that the entire education community pays close attention to. In recent years, many educators put forward the idea that “vocational education should pay attention to the quality education of students” and practice in various aspects such as entrance education, etiquette education, dormitory culture education, employment creation theory and practical education. The quality education of higher vocational students is undoubtedly an advancement to the discipline education of general higher education. In order to better promote students’ comprehensive development in all aspects of morality, intelligence and physical education, students in higher vocational colleges, in particular, should learn how to behave after they have lived and ensure the overall improvement in their knowledge and abilities. In particular, Student quality education credit system ". This concept is especially suitable for the characteristics of higher vocational education. Many higher vocational colleges use it as a guide to adjust and innovate teaching. With professional training as the core and professional growth as the basis, on the basis of consolidating the cultural heritage of students, Focus on the quality of professional practice, pioneering and innovative quality, social adaptation to the cultivation and improvement of quality, and achieved good education and teaching results.