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我是一个小参谋,很小很小的那种,年龄小,职位小,在部队里就是那样小小的存在着,也不太重要,又不可或缺。这一天,我要找领导签阅一个文件。得知领导在训练场,我便小心翼翼地把文件整理好,在口袋里装上一支笔,手中紧握着另一支笔,再次确认无误后,便向训练场飞奔而去。领导并没有打算在训练场看文件,只是告诉我回办公室再看。领导转身向办公楼走去,我立即合上文件,紧跟而去。训练场到办公楼有100米左右,这100米我该如何走下去? I am a small staff member, a small and small one. I am young, have a small position, and are so small, very important and indispensable in the army. On this day, I am looking for a leader to sign a document. Learned at the training ground, I carefully arranged the documents, put a pen in my pocket, and held another pen in my hand. After confirming the mistake again, I flew away from the training ground. The leader did not intend to read the document on the training ground, just told me to go back to the office and look again. Leading to the office building turned around, I immediately closed the file, followed. Training ground to the office building about 100 meters, which 100 meters how do I go?
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从2009年11月结婚到现在,我和老婆步入婚姻的殿堂已6年有余,在这2000多个日日夜夜里,我们的生活有吵吵闹闹、说说笑笑、起起伏伏。  西北驻训一年半,照料女儿很欣慰  婚后的第二年冬天,上天送来了我们爱情的第一份礼物。女儿出生的前3个月,由于任务的需要,我们部队整建制搬迁到西北某地驻训。刚到驻训地,在环境陌生和时间又不是很充裕的情况下,各项工作都要从头展开。显然,我没有太多的时间对身怀六甲的老
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Author combined G.Gombawith his work,put his life experiences and the changes of his personal view issues together,and divided his Subject Matters of creative n
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不管走到哪里,不论岁月如何沧桑,我的生命和本性都会溶化在这里,化作一道道山梁,一条条河水…… No matter where you go, no matter how vicissitudes of years go, my lif