
来源 :国外医药(植物药分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:runnerups
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在东非、南非和中非,人们将萝摩科植物华特蒙萝(Mondia whytei(Hook,f. Skeels)的块根磨成粉放在麦片粥、啤酒、汤和茶里口服作为一种性兴奋剂,同时还用来治疗食欲减退、血吸虫病、便秘和淋病。本文报道从该植物块茎的甲醇提取物中以DCCC、CC、Sephadex LH-20和MPLC联用技术分离得到酚甙(1)。(1)的结构测定是通过光谱分析和甙元的全合成来完成的。块茎的粉末在室温下依次用二氯甲烷、 In East Africa, South Africa, and Central Africa, people pulverized the roots of Mondia whytei (Hook, f. Skeels) into porridge, beer, soup and tea orally as a sexual excitement. The agent is also used to treat anorexia, schistosomiasis, constipation and gonorrhea.This article reports the isolation of phenolphthalein (1) from the methanol extract of this tuber by DCCC, CC, Sephadex LH-20 and MPLC. The structural determination of (1) was carried out by spectral analysis and total synthesis of acetonitrile. The powder of the tubers was sequentially treated with dichloromethane at room temperature.
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