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一座寺庙,僧多粥少。每到开饭时,和尚们一拥而上,你推我挤,本来就少得可怜的稀饭常常被挤翻,大家都挨饿。和尚们推荐了一位长者分粥,情况有所改观。但分粥者大权独掌,加上平时相互关系就有厚薄,分的粥多的多,少的少。饿的受不了的和尚提议轮流分粥并获得通过。这下可好,轮到自己分时撑个死,他人分时饿个昏。几个善于应变者又联合起来,这几个人分时,这几个人就都能吃饱。长期吃不饱的又提意见了,结果成立了分粥委员会,又成立了监督委员会。先由分粥委员会分粥,再由监督委员会评议,分粥委员会先争来争去,监督委员会再评来评去,这样一来,大家都很满意分得平均。可分粥时间太长,大家吃时粥已经凉了。方丈云游回来了,决定由其中一名和尚全权分粥,但又规定分粥者最后取粥。从此和尚们比较均等地吃上了热稀饭。其实很多时候,企业中的人力资源总监如同分粥的和尚,每天都游走在公司利益与员工利益的平衡上,角色尴尬。在每个企业里,员工都希望人力资源经理是员工利益的代言人,而高管层却不无例外地把 HR 视为是公司利益的看护者。这一双重角色让 HR 经常陷入平衡员工与公司利益需求的矛盾困境。当然公司设立人力资源管理,并不是要 HR 经理做一个分粥和尚的角色。但是,HR 能做到平衡两者的利益么?这是一场零和博奕还是其它? A temple, more monks and more porridge. Every time the monks came in, you pushed me and the poor porridge, which was once poor, was often knocked over and everyone was starving. The monks have recommended an elderly sub-porridge, the situation has changed. However, the dominance of sub-porridge, coupled with the usual relationship between the thickness, sub-porridge more, less less. Hungry unbearable monk proposed turn porridge and passed. This may be good, turn their hold time to death, others were hungry faint. Several people who are good at co-ordination together, these few people time-sharing, these few people are able to eat. Long-term to eat enough to make another comment, the results set up sub-porridge committee, also set up a supervisory board. First by sub-porridge sub-porridge, and then by the supervisory board of commentary, sub-porridge committee contend to fight, supervisory board re-evaluation to comment, so that we are very satisfied with the average. Porridge can be divided into too long time, we eat porridge has been cold. Abbot wandering back, decided by one of the monks full of porridge, but also provides the final gruel porridge. From then on, the monks ate hot rice evenly. In fact, many times, the human resources director in the enterprise is like a monk who is divided into porridge. Every day, he walks in the balance between the interests of the company and the interests of employees, and the role is awkward. In every business, employees want human resource managers to be advocates of employee benefits, and executives, without exception, see HR as a caretaker for the company. This dual role of HR often fall into the balance between employees and the needs of the interests of the company’s contradictions. Of course, the company set up human resources management, HR managers do not want to be a sub-porridge monk’s role. However, HR can do to balance the interests of both? This is a zero-sum game or other?
开心私语:每天早上起来,对着镜子里的“我”笑一笑,告诉自己:新的一天开始啦,然后深呼吸一口,开心之神就会整天伴随着你! Happy whisper: get up every morning, in the mir