Exploration of Learning Strategies from the Study on Language Acquisition Process

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  Abstract:Since the day foreign language teaching came into being,people have been trying to find an all-heal way of teaching methodology.Although teaching methods are varied,it produced unsatisfactory teaching results.One of the primary purposes for conducting this study is to find out the scheme of learning strategies used in learning process by applying Bloom’s Taxonomy and J.B.Biggs’ 3P Model to make a four-step learning strategy.
  1 Introduction
  Strategies are ways for learners to solve problems encountered in constructing meaning in any context.Since the day foreign language teaching came into being,people have been trying to find an all-heal way of teaching methodology.Although teaching methods are varied,it produced unsatisfactory teaching results.Under these circumstances,scholars began to research from teaching process to learning process,from how to teach to how to learn,form teachers to students.
  2 The Theoretical Framework of My Exploration
  In 1956,Benjamin Bloom’s group developed a classification of levels of thinking behaviors,which consist of knowledge,comprehension,application,analysis,synthesis,and evaluation.In 1970’s,John Biggs found students’ learning approach has a close relationship with their learning motivation and learning strategies.In his view,the main factors of learning quality are presage,process and product.Therefore,based on these two scholars’ theories,I divide learning process into four stages:presage,input,intake,and output.
  3 Learning Strategies in Learning Process
  3.1 Learning Strategies in Presage Stage(Knowledge)
  In presage stage,students’ aim is to be ready for getting new knowledge and be clear about the following steps;students need to firstly use motivation strategies like taking risks,setting goals,practicing intuition,building self-confidence,developing intrinsic motivation,and promoting ambiguity tolerance;secondly use exploration strategies like prediction,brainstorming,pre-reading plan,questioning and K-W-L(recalling what they Know,identifying what they Want,determining what they Learn).
  3.2 Learning Strategies in Input Stage(Comprehension)
  In input stage,students’ aim is to comprehend and grasp the meaning of information.Monitor strategies is needed.Under their self-monitoring and self-management,students will be clear about their learning tasks and be forced to fulfill it.Then one is rewarding strategies that means to affirm one’s achievements in order to encourage himself to be active in study.At last,students can use compensation strategies which use guessing,avoidance,or applying mother tongue to compensate the weakness of using foreign language.   3.3 Learning Strategies in Intake Stage(Application & Analysis)
  In intake stage,students’ aim is to internalize patterns or break information into parts and to use new information.At first,students need to use analysis and combination strategies.Then,following with reinforcement strategies,learners put new knowledge into practice.Furthermore,learning problem-solving strategies should not be neglected.Student can do research,inference,or appeal to authority.
  3.4 Learning Strategies in Output Stage(Synthesis & Evaluation)
  In output stage students’ aim is to judge the value of information and put them together to create something new.Two parallel strategies need to be mentioned in this stage:expanding strategies and affectional strategies.For the former,praise-question-polish(PQP),problem-solving,and error-monitoring are the most useful ones to improve our learnin.For the latter,learners communicative and cooperative approach are emphasized.
  4 Conclusion
  According to the results of the study,we can make some suggestions for the foreign language learning students on the uses of learning strategies.Students should cultivate their intrinsic motivation in learning process to benefit for life-long learning,which was noticed by them in the lowest frequency.Besides,students should use various strategies,especially affective and social strategies,which is the new focus of modern teaching.Only by applying this comprehensive teaching approach,can we make our foreign language teaching more effective.
  [1]Biggs,J.B.& Telfer,R..The Process of Learning.Prentice Hall of Australia,1987.150~151.
  [2]Brown,H.D..Psychology of Language Learning and Teaching.Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2002.
  [3]Learning Strategies Resource Guide.Disseminated by Region XIV Comprehensive Center Educational Testing Service 1979 Lakeside Parkway,Suite 400 Tucker,Georgia.
摘要:在对外汉语教学中,汉语语法中的“把”字句对于日本学习者来说是一个难点,于是出现了回避使用、错误使用、泛化使用“把”字句等语言偏误现象。本文将针对“把”字句的句法结构特征以及日本学生使用偏误进行总结和分析,针对日本学生的“把”字句学习偏误,教师应在教授同时加强在语境环境下的对比练习,从一开始给学生输入大量正确的“把”字句信息,并且分阶段、分难度地进行“把”字句的教学。  一、引言  在句法结构
摘要:本论文研究如何构建项目驱动模式下高职英语视听说教学模式,创设工作情境,根据典型工作岗位,重新整合教学内容,创新教学方法,改变考核评价机制,进行高职英语视听说项目化课程改革。  关键词:项目驱动;高职英语视听说;项目教学法  高职学生英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力一直是比较薄弱环节。究其原因,就是高职院校的英语视听说课程设计不合理,导致学用脱节。构建有特色的高职英语视听说课程教学模式,进行项
摘要:中职学校在进行音乐教学过程中广泛的使用信息技术,极大的提高音乐课程的学习质量和教学质量。信息技术作为中职学校音乐课程教学过程中一种有效的教学方法,符合时代发展趋势和潮流,同时也符合学生身心发展的规律,因此需要加强重视。  关键词:信息技术;中职音乐;教学  1信息技术在音乐欣赏课程中的重要作用  1.1调动学生的学习积极性  传统的音乐欣赏课程的课堂上,学生的状态是教师讲解理论知识,并将其记
摘要:创业教育已经成为推进我国高职院教育的重要组成部分,更是实现高等职业院校可持续发展的必然选择。很多高职院校在开展创业教育的实践中取得不错的成效,但目前还存在对创业教育认识不到位、创业教育师资薄弱、创业教育课程体系不完善等问题,针对于此,本文提出了相应的解决对策。  关键词:高职院校;创业教育;问题与对策  高职创业教育是指以开发和提高学生的创业基本素质为目标,培养大学生的创业意识,提升大学生的
摘要:现代职业教育应当坚持以立德树人为根本,以服务发展为宗旨,以促进就业为导向,适应技术进步和生产方式变革以及社会公共服务的需要的的高素质劳动者和技术技能人才。要培养出高素质的劳动者和技能型人才就必须提高职业教育的教学质量。本文就中职教育教学改革提出了几点建议。  关键词:职业教育;高素质;人才;教学改革  近年来,我国政府越来越重视职业教育的发展,特别是在2014年出台了《国务院关于加快发展现代
摘要:在新的时代背景下,培养中职生的职业能力是适应时代发展的必然要求,在语文教学中要特别注重学生这种职业能力的培养。本文结合笔者自身的教学经验,针对中职语文教学中学生专业能力培养的需要,探讨入耳有效的组织教学的内容与学生的学习方法。  关键词:中职语文;教学过程;学生职业能力  在普通的中学学习中,语文学习是以考试为标准的,从教学的设计、到考试的规划都是追求高分数,学生学习的时候一般都是机械记忆、
摘要:翻转课堂是对传统教学进行的革命性创新,它实现了知识传授与知识内化教学流程的颠覆,转变课堂与老师的角色,学生借助于计算机网络获得更多的优质教育资源,不再单纯地依赖授课老师去教授知识,而老师主要是在理解学生的基础上引导学生去运用知识。本文从翻转课堂在高职英语课堂上的实施,分析了翻转课堂存在的问题和实施这一教学模式的意义。  关键词:翻转课堂;高职英语;英语教学;课前学习;课堂活动  翻转课堂作为
摘要:工学结合模式是新时期高职体育院校教学改革的新方向,并以构建信息平台为基础,提高高职体育院校学生的培养质量。本文在分析高职体育院校教学现状的基础上,论述了工学结合教学模式下构建信息平台的方法。  关键词:高职体育院校;工学结合模式;信息平台建设;新趋势  1高职体育院校教学模式存在的弊端  (1)深受传统教育模式影响  研究发现,受到我国上千年的传统教育模式的影响,多数体育院校的学生主要是被动