
来源 :散装水泥信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luffyzl
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一、基金的征收范围和标准鼓励散装水泥生产,限制袋装水泥生产。凡在葫芦岛境内的水泥生产企业,每销售一吨袋装水泥(含磨帐易货)向用户代征4元散装水泥基金,上缴市散装水泥办公室,必须统一使用省财政部门统一监制的专用收费票据。如水泥生产企业不代征,由市散装水泥办公室直接向生产企业收取。贯彻“以散养散”的精神,凡水泥生产企业销售散装水泥的不予征收散装水泥专项基金。凡我市范围内的建设项目需使用水泥的(含水泥制品)按已批准的设计文件计算出水泥需用总量,以每吨5元计征基金。基金由建设行政主管部门代征,建设单位应于申领开工许可证时一次性向建设行政主管部门交纳。基金可列入基建成本核算。 First, the scope and standards of the collection of funds to encourage bulk cement production, limiting the production of bagged cement. Every cement manufacturer in Huludao must collect a 4 yuan bulk cement fund for each ton of bagged cement (including grinding account barter) and pay it to the city’s bulk cement office, and must use the exclusive use of the unified supervision of the provincial finance department. Bills. If the cement production enterprise does not collect the goods, the Municipal Bulk Cement Office will directly charge the production company. In order to implement the spirit of “spreading in bulk, scattered, scattered, scattered, scattered, scattered, scattered, scattered, scattered”, where cement production companies selling bulk cement will not be levied a special bulk cement fund. For cement projects (contain cement products) in construction projects within the scope of the city, the total amount of cement needed shall be calculated according to the approved design documents, and the fund shall be calculated at 5 yuan per ton. The fund shall be collected by the construction administrative department, and the construction unit shall pay the construction administrative department a one-time permit when applying for a construction permit. The fund can be included in infrastructure costing.
坚持双重领导,尊重地方党委、政府是加强人武部建设,做好民兵、预备役工作的重要保证,两年来,我们主要做了以下工作: To uphold the dual leadership and respect for the
经“中国新时代质量体系认证中心”1997年1月24日批准,我厂重型汽车质量体系(符合 GB/T 19001:94 idtISO 9001:94)、ZF 变速器质量体系(符合 GB/T19002:94 idtISO 9002:94)
发现计量设备失准后,对测量结果的评定有关内容:即对失准后的报告和评定程序,对失准计量设备检测结果进行评定的方法以及评定结论和如何处置等进行了分析探讨。 After disco