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“——新企业所得税法若实施,广告费支出的税前扣除比例有多大?”“——我们企业是高新技术企业,但不在高新技术开发区内,那么,实施新税法后,能享受15%的税率吗?”……2月2日下午,在中国外商投资企业协会举办的“中国经济形势和有关立法对话说明会”上,频频举手提问的不是记者,而是众多来自外资企业的高管人员。在与外企密切相关的《企业所得税法》草案即将提交人大审议前夕,由“外资企协”组织的这次与官员直接对话,吸引了众多外资企业。据悉,与会外企代表多达270多人,而参与对话的官员涵盖了全国人大法工委、国家发改委、财政部、商务部、劳动和社会保障部、国家工商总局等诸多重要部门,对话内容除众所瞩目的企业新税法外,还包括宏观调控、投资、金融等诸多企业关心的政策领域。 “- If the new EIT Law is implemented, what is the proportion of pre-tax deductions for advertising expenses?” “- Our enterprises are high-tech enterprises but not high-tech development zones. After implementing the new tax law, therefore, On the afternoon of February 2, at the ”China’s Economic Situation and Relevant Legislative Dialogue Explanations Conference" organized by the China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment, it is not journalists who raise their hands frequently but ask questions from many foreign-funded enterprises Executives. On the eve of the forthcoming submission of the draft Corporate Income Tax Law, which is closely related to foreign enterprises, to the NPC, the direct dialogue with officials organized by the FIEs has attracted many foreign-funded enterprises. It is reported that as many as 270 representatives of foreign enterprises attending the meeting, and officials involved in the dialogue covered NPC Law Enforcement Committee, National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Labor and Social Security, State Administration for Industry and many other important departments, the dialogue content What attracts the attention of the enterprise new tax law, but also includes the macro-control, investment, finance and many other business areas of concern.
美德是很容易被破坏的,而且被破坏了之后就很难复原,请多多选择对于品格而言是美德的美德吧 Virtue is very easy to be destroyed, and after being destroyed it is diffi
没有技术支撑的大规模,以廉价劳动力支撑的低成本是脆弱的。体制问题解决不好,再好的机制、多么规范的管理也不管用,企业还是会“穿新鞋,走老路”。 The low cost of large-
春光乍泄的2月24日,舆论瞩目已久的“非公36条”, 55年来第一份较为全面,由中央政府颁发的专门助力“非公经济”的红头文件,在全国人大代表赴京开会前高调出台。我想到了苏南
建成日期:1986年10月 建筑面积:1.2万平方米 建筑造价:804万元 建造地点:江苏无锡 设计单位:东南大学建筑研究院 设计人员:钟训正 韩钟阳 王文卿 薛永暌 吴志彬等 获奖级别:
阅读是对读物的认知、理解、吸收、评价的过程。在阅读教学中,教师应多在能力的培养上下功夫;应多方面地培养能力,如 Reading is the reading of the cognitive, understand