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  【易混点1】 bring, take, carry, fetch
  【要点解读】 bring意为“带来”,方向上表示由远而近;take意为“拿走”,方向上表示由近而远,构成的短语take away意为“带走,拿走”;fetch意为“去取来”;carry意为“运送,搬运,带,拿”,它无方向性。
  (1)Don’t forget to me a copy of your work next time.
  (2)There is so much waste, so we should it away.
  (3)Please me the documents in that room.
  (4)No. 32 bus can you to the railway station.
  【易混点2】 lend, borrow, keep
  (1)My younger sister enjoys reading very much. She wants to books from the library.
  (2)—How long may I the latest magazine?
  —For about half a month.
  (3)Could you please your ipad to me?
  【易混点3】 die, dead, death
  【要点解读】 die为动词,意为“死,去世”,它是非延续性动词;death为名词,意为“死,死亡”,只用作主语或宾语;dead为形容词,意为“死的,死亡的”,系表结构be dead表示延续性的状态,后跟表示“时间段”的时间状语。
  (1)His friend has been for one year.
  (2)—Is the old man alive?
  —Sorry. He _____ the day before yesterday.
  (3)Qian Xuesen is known as China’s “father of space technology” and “king of rockets”. His _____ makes us very sad.
  【易混点4】 relax, relaxing, relaxed
  【要点解读】 relax为动词,意为“放松”,后可跟某人作宾语;relaxing为形容词,意为“轻松的”,修饰物;relaxed为形容词,意为“放松的,得到休息的”,修饰人。
  (1)We all like the movies that Jakie Chan acted because they are _____.
  (2)At the weekend, people lay on the beach and felt _____.
  (3)—You look tired. I give you some advice on how to _____ yourself.
  —Many thanks. You’re so kind.
  【易混点5】invent, inventor, invention, create, discover
  【要点解读】invent意为“发明”,指通过想象、研究、劳动而创造出前所未有的东西,尤指科技上的发明创造, 其名词invention意为“发明”,指物,inventor意为“发明者”,指人;动词discover意为“发现”,指发现了原来存在,但尚未被人挖掘或认识的事物;动词create意为“创造”,指创作或创造文学艺术形象等。
  (1)—Do you know when the television was _____?
  —In 1927.
  (2) The computer is one of the most helpful _____ in the world.
  (3) Edison was a great _____. He invented many useful things in his life.
  (4) Shakespeare _____ many famous characters in his plays.
  (5) The history teacher told us that Columbus _____ America in 1492.
  【易混点6】 used to, be used to
  【要点解读】短语used to后跟动词原形,意为“过去常常”,表示过去的某种习惯或状态。其否定形式为used not to do sth.或didn’t use to do sth., 疑问形式为Did sb. use to do sth.或Used sb. to do sth., 而be used to 是指“习惯于做某事”,其中to是介词,后跟名词或动名词形式。   【专项训练6】
  (1) Mary _____ have long hair, but now she has short hair.
  (2) Jack likes sports very much and he _____ running and playing pingpong.
  (3) Her son _____ drink Coke, but now he _____ drinking milk.
  【易混点7】 a number of, the number of
  【要点解读】a number of意为“许多”,相当于many,后跟可数名词的复数形式,谓语动词用复数形式,短语中的number前可由large或small来修饰,构成a large/great/small number of;the number of意为“……的数目”,后接复数名词,谓语动词用单数形式。
  (1) There are _____ interesting places to visit in China.
  (2) At the moment _____ cars is increasing more and more quickly.
  (3) In our school library, there are _____ books on science and _____ them is growing larger and larger.
  【易混点8】have gone to, have been to, have been in
  【要点解读】have/has gone to后跟地点名词,表示“已去某地,现在不在这里”;have/has been to后跟地点名词,表示“曾经去过某地,现在在这里”;have/has been in后跟地点名词,表示“已在某地”或“在某地呆过”,其后常跟for或since连接的时间状语。
  (1)—_____ you ever _____ Yueya Lake?
  —Yes. I went there last month. It’s quite beautiful.
  (2) Tom _____ the USA. He will be back in two months.
  (3)—Where’s her second son? I haven’t seen him for a long time.
  —He _____ Maine looking for a place to work.
  (4) Mr Black _____ China for many years. He knows the country very well.
  【易混点9】 turn on, turn off, turn down, turn up
  【要点解读】与turn 搭配的四个短语意义各不相同。turn on意为“打开”;turn off意为“关上,关闭”;turn down意为“关小,调低”;turn up意为“调高,调大”。
  (1) I can hardly hear what it is saying on TV. Would you please _____ it _____?
  (2) My father is sleeping now. Please _____ the radio.
  (3) There is a wonderful football match. Could you please _____ CCTV-5?
  (4) The music is loud. Let’s _____ the radio a bit.
  【易混点10】both...and, neither...nor, either...or, not only...but also
  【要点解读】both...and表示“两者都……”,谓语动词用复数形式;neither...nor表示“既不……也不……”,either...or表示“或者……或者……”,not only...but also表示“不但……而且……”,它们连接的成分作主语时,谓语动词采取就近原则。
  (1) _____you _____ your brother can join us. We want one of you.
  (2)—_____ Mary _____ Susan has joined the dance club because they have no time.
  —It’s a pity!
  (3) _____ Tom _____ Tom’s brother have been to Beijing several times. They know the Summer Palace very well.
  (4) He studies very hard. He is good at _____ maths _____ physics.
  1. (1) bring (2) take (3) fetch (4) carry
  2. (1) borrow (2) keep (3) lend
  3. (1) dead (2) died (3)death
  4. (1) relaxing (2) relaxed (3) relax
  5. (1) invented (2) inventions (3) inventor
  (4) created (5) discovered
  6. (1) used to (2) is used to
  (3) used to, is used to
  7. (1) a number of (2) the number of
  (3) a number of, the number of
  8. (1) Have, been to (2) has gone to
  (3) has gone to (4) has been in
  9. (1) turn, up (2) turn off
  (3) turn on (4) turn down
  10. (1) Either...or (2) Neither...nor
  (3) Both...and (4) not only...but also
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