1911年俄国中央地震常设委员会根据伽里津的计划通过了一项决议:在堪察加的彼得巴甫洛夫斯克建立一个二级地震台,这是建在远东地区的两个地震台之一(另一个地震台设于萨哈林的亚历山大罗夫斯克。建立这个台的目的是靠近震源详细研究地震现象。当时早已查明堪察加的地震活动频繁,因为已经掌握了1737—1910年的40多次强震(M>6)资料。目前我们都知道,苏联地震的80%发生在堪察加半岛和千岛群岛沿岸,其中几乎所有地震都是 M≥8的毁灭性地震。
In 1911, the standing committee of the Russian Central Seismic passed a resolution based on Galicien’s plan: to establish a secondary seismostat in Petropavlovsk region, Kamchatka, which is one of the two seismostats built in the Far East (Another station is located in Alexandrovsk, Sakhalin.) The purpose of establishing this station was to study the earthquake phenomena in detail close to the source, at which time the seismic activity of Kamchatka had been found to be frequent since the 1737-1910 More than 40 strong earthquakes (M> 6). At present we all know that 80% of the Soviet earthquake occurred on the Kamchatka Peninsula and the Kuril Islands, of which almost all the earthquakes are M> 8 devastating earthquakes.