Promote Cultural Exchanges and Make a Fine Reputation

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  With stellar changes and huge phenomena taking place all over the world, the mankind has entered 2010. We would like to take this opportunity to express our respect to the leaders, personages from all walks of life and our readers who support the Cultural Dialogue.
  Culture is the soul of a country and a nation. It is also a hallmark of a country’s comprehensive strength in the process of modernization. Countries in this world boast a great number of different cultures. The mankind has developed through exchanges, integrations and innovations of different cultures. Cultures continue and grow through exchanges whereas the world progresses in harmony through exchanges and integrations. Thanks to cultural diversity, exchanges, and mutual absorption, the world becomes rainbow-colored. In the era of information today, cultures across the world spread fast and interact more intimately, thus creating a common fate for the peoples in the world as never before.
  The Chinese nation has created a splendid Chinese civilization, a brilliant chapter in the history of development of the mankind. The Chinese civilization, with a huge vitality, is a key integral part of the world’s civilization. In today’s world where cultures interact with each other, impact and influence each other, integrate with each other, we want to adhere to our excellent cultural roots, learn from and draw on the cultural achievements of the nations in the world so that our national tradition and culture can improve, flourish and shine through our practices.
  As China keeps enhancing its international standing and promoting its culture across the world, cultural exchanges between China and the rest of the world are growing in an all-round way, at multiple levels, in various fields, and through various channels. Effective cultural dialogues and exchanges between civilizations require media to serve as bridges. Cultural Dialogue is a window on cultural exchanges between Zhejiang and regions beyond Zhejiang and has a glorious and noble mission. Since its inception, Cultural Dialogue has adhered to a correct publication guideline. The bilingual periodical offers refreshing contents in texts and photographs to our readers. It has made contributions to and scored delightful accomplishments in making Cultural Dialogue go from Hangzhou to the rest of the country, radiate out to the whole world and promote cultural exchanges and cooperation between China and the rest of the world.
  In 2010, Cultural Dialogue will, as always, adhere to the publication principle of “basing itself on Zhejiang, radiating out to the whole country and embracing the whole world”. We will act earnestly on the spirit of President Hu Jintao’s speech at the opening ceremony of the World Media Summit on October 9, 2009. We will adhere to our publicity policies, highlight our features, promote our brand strategy more energetically, and intensify innovation in concept, contents, form, and means. We will make Cultural Dialogue more readable, more attractive and more acceptable.
  Reputation depends on quality; reputation testifies to identity; reputation means attraction and influence. Creating a periodical’s fine reputation means making constant efforts to improve its contents and form. Cultural Dialogue will further promote its reputation by making Cultural Dialogue into a periodical that gets close to, attracts and moves readers. To be more accurate, we will cover China’s reform, opening up and modernization drive; we will cover the frontiers of the cultural progress in the world; we will pay attention to hot topics; we will try our best to follow social trends and showcase our cultural bests; we will publish stories that provide unique perspectives and that are written in lovely and fresh style; we will improve the arrangement of pictures and texts to produce a more attractive visual impact so as to make Cultural Dialogue more readable; we will combine value and interest, make our monthly appeal to readers of different tastes; we will seek a balance between what we wish our readers to read and what readers want to read; we will do our best to satisfy our readers’ needs and wants; and we will try our best to help our readers explore the aesthetics of Chinese culture and cultures in the rest of the world.
  Creating a fine reputation for our monthly needs care and support from all walks of life and requires our editors’ hard work. In 2010, we will strengthen our ties with all departments and people concerned and win support from leaders and government departments at all levels across the province and the country. We will do our best to win support from our overseas friends. We will do all this to create an excellent environment for Cultural Dialogue to grow. We will continue to uphold the banner, hold fast to our faith in the party and patriotism, dedicate to the motherland, and serve the people. We will continue to adhere to our journalist ethics to be objective and just. We will overcome difficulties. We will advance with the times, act in the pioneering and innovative spirit, and work assiduously, pragmatically and professionally. We will make our new contribution to the promotion of cultural exchanges and cooperation.
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