
来源 :中国预防医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xyeee
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目的为了解和掌握农村分散式饮水水质和卫生状况,预防农村分散式饮水超标的水质引起中毒和介水肠道传染病的发生。方法在全省选择有代表性监测点开展农村分散式饮水基本情况调查,并对不同分散式取水方式和水源水,在丰、枯水期进行采样监测,参照卫生部《生活饮用水水质卫生规范》(2001)进行评价。结果全省目前还有20%左右的农村人口还饮用分散式给水,以人力取水的丰枯水合格率较低,分别为77.9%和76.5%,水源水以浅井水较低为75.6%和76.3%。结论不同取水方式的机械取水水质合格率较高,不同水源水的深井水合格率较高。 Objective To understand and master the rural decentralized drinking water quality and health status, prevention of rural decentralized drinking water quality caused by poisoning and water-borne enteric infectious diseases. Methods The survey of decentralized drinking water in rural areas was carried out by selecting representative monitoring points in the province. Sampling and monitoring were conducted for different decentralized water intake methods and source water in abundance and dry season. Reference is made to the “Code of Hygiene for Drinking Water Quality” 2001). Results There are still about 20% of the rural population in the province who are still drinking decentralized water supply. The passing rate of high and low dry water for human water intake is relatively low, at 77.9% and 76.5% respectively. The water source water is 75.6% lower at shallow wells and 76.3% %. Conclusions The mechanical water quality of different water intake methods has a high pass rate, and the water quality of deep well water of different water sources is higher.
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The future generation networks or 4G networks constitute of varied technologies converged over the Internet protocol version 6(IPv6) core. The 4G networks offer
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