
来源 :施工企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoshuishe
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施工图纸是工程施工的依据。施工组织设计是对拟建工程施工全过程实行科学管理、指导施工现场全部生产活动的技术经济文件。参与施工的人员,特别足施工操作者,并非人人都能看到或看懂设计图纸和施工组织设计文件;施工组织设计也不可能将工程的细部作法、班组任务、作业要求等写清楚。因此,就要利用施工技术交底辅助施工组织设计,贯彻施工组织意图和工程质量管理办法,布告全体施工人员,科学管理指导施工任务的完成。所以,施工技术交底是一项依据设计图纸,辅助施工组织设汁,用于指导施工,保证施工任务顺利完成的有效措施。是施工管理中必不可少的一个技术管理程序,也是企业技术管理的一项重要内容。 Construction drawings are the basis for project construction. Construction organization design is a technical and economic document that applies scientific management to the entire construction process of the proposed project and guides all production activities at the construction site. The personnel involved in the construction, especially the construction operators, are not able to see or understand the design drawings and the construction organization design documents. The construction organization design is also not possible to clearly describe the details of the project, the tasks of the team, and the operational requirements. Therefore, it is necessary to make use of construction technology to assist the construction of the construction design, implement the construction organization intentions and project quality management methods, to inform the entire construction personnel, scientific management guide the completion of construction tasks. Therefore, the construction technology is an effective measure based on the design drawings, assisting the construction organization in designing the juice for guiding the construction and ensuring the smooth completion of the construction tasks. It is an indispensable technology management program in construction management and an important part of enterprise technology management.
陕西省烟草专卖局(公司)组建于1984年,1985年上划国家局(总公司)。十二年来累计实现工商税利106亿元,其中仅1995、1996两年就消化历史挂帐包袱2.7亿元,实现税利31亿元。 陕
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