The Pink Flower 石竹花

来源 :小天使·五年级语数英综合 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nm76181156
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  Long age, there was a queen who had no child. She prayed(祈祷) to God everyday. And angel came down from heaven and said: "You will surely give birth to a son and he will have good fortune(运气)." Soon, the queen gave birth to a son. The king was very glad.
  There was a wicked(恶毒的) cook in the palace. Hearing that little prince would have good fortune he wanted to steal the prince. One day, when the queen was sleeping he stole the little prince and sent it to a distant(遥远的) place. He then sprinkled(洒) chicken blood on the queen''s clothing and told the king the little prince was taken away by a beast(野兽).
  Seeing the blood on queen''s clothing the king thought the queen did not take good care of the little prince. So he put the queen in a black tower and did not give her any food. The queen was there for 7 years. God made two angels become little white pigeons(鸽子). They flew there to send her bread and water.
  The bad cook and the little prince lived together. When the little prince could talk, he let little prince have various(各种各样的) things. Whatever the little prince asked for, he would get. He let the little prince have the palace(王宫) and the garden, and a pretty little girl. The bad cook feared that the little prince still would return to the kingdom one day. So he told the little girl to kill the little prince at night. He ordered the little girl to cut out the little prince''s tongue and heart as evidence(证据).
  The little girl did not want to do this. The bad cook said: "If you do not do this, you also will lose your life." The girl covered the prince with a quilt(被子). Then she cut out the tongue and the heart of a little deer. When the cook walked into and took it, the little prince suddenly stood up and said: "You are a bad man, I will punish you. You will become a black dog with a curly(卷毛的) tail!"
  Then, the bad cook became a black dog with a curly tail. The prince said to the girl: "I miss my mother. Let''s go to the palace together!" The girl said: "It is so far, how will we go?"
  The prince changed her into a pink flower.
  Pulling the dog. He went home with the flower. He walked for a long time. At last he came to the tower where his mother was in. The tower was very high. He got a ladder and climbed to the top of tower and cried out: "Mother, are you still alive?" The queen answered: "I am still alive, who are you?" The prince said: "I am the prince. The bad cook stole me. Now, I have come to save you."
  The prince pretended he was a hunter and said that he wanted to serve the king. The king said: "I have not eaten meat for a long time. If you can kill a wild animal for me, I will employ you." As soon as the prince went to forest he got various kinds of animals more than two hundred and sent them to the king in cars. The king was very glad and held a grand banquet(宴会) and entertained(招待) his ministers(大臣). The king let the hunter sit beside him. The prince hoped that one minister would ask after(问候) the queen. When he thought about this, a marshal(元帅) said: "King, how is the queen now?" The king said: "She let the beast eat the prince. I do not want to mention(提及) her." The hunter stood up and said: "No, it was the bad cook who stole me and framed(陷害) my mother. I''m your son." Saying that. He led along that curly tailed dog and let it resume(恢复) the appearance of the bad cook. The prince again took out the pink flower. He made her become a girl and then said: "This is the good girl who saved my life."
  The king immediately executed(处死) the bad cook, receives(接回) the queen and held a wedding for the prince and the girl who was the pink flower.
在繁华的北京城里,有一座闻名遐迩、享誉世界的宫廷园林——圆明园。它是一个中西合璧的建筑群,风景秀美,环境优雅,处处彰显着古代中国人超凡的智慧。  盛夏,拿着一把小扇徐徐摆动,缓缓步入圆明园。道路左右两边的柳树枝随风摇摆,透过耀眼的阳光,深绿色的小叶映在青石板上,又为圆明园增添了几抹好看的树影。拨开树枝忽现一条小道,眼见莲叶接天,树木葱郁;耳闻鸟雀争鸣,虫声唧唧,漫步在此小道上,令人心旷神怡。  走
父母的慈爱,老师的关爱,陌生人的友爱,让我们的生活充满了温暖。而那位可爱的天使——白芳礼老人,却让我们感受到了:什么是大爱无疆。  学校里,一位资助了许多贫困生的老人再也看不到孩子们灿烂的笑脸了,93岁高龄的他离开了这个世界,可他却永远活在我们的心中。  每天早上,天还没亮,白芳礼老人就已经开始了一天的工作。无论刮风下雨,年逾九旬的他照常吃力地蹬着那辆破旧的三轮车,脸上总是挂着灿烂的笑容。有人看到
在日常生活中,我们常常遇到有关求铺地面积的数学题,用常规方法解答比较复杂,而通过数学变换,转化思路,让图形“动”起来的话就能将问题化难为易了。  例1:用0.04平方米的方砖正好铺一块正方形的地。这块地的两条对角线上所铺的方砖都是深灰色的,而其它地方所铺的方砖则是白色的(如图1)。这块地共铺了105块深灰色的方砖,这块地铺白色方砖的面积是多少平方米?  [一般解法]仔细观察图1,可知铺这块正方形地
时间:60分钟 满分:100分 姓名:_____ 得分:_____  一、填空。(21分,每空1分)  1. 4.2平方分米=( )平方分米( )平方厘米 3.5时=( )时( )分  0.5公顷=( )平方米  2吨30千克=( )吨  6200平方米=( )公顷  2.
话说唐僧师徒四人从西天取经回来后,孙悟空就过上了山大王的日子。  有一天,悟空觉得非常无聊就出去玩,路过一个墓园,忽然听见有人在叫他,就连忙回头,他看见一个长着翅膀的老人,便问:“您是谁?为什么叫我?”  老人回答道:“我是希腊数学家丢番图,我是上帝的信使,大圣可知我有多少岁吗?你要能答出来,我就带你去见我们的上帝!”  孙悟空听了高兴得不得了,便说:“好啊,好啊!俺老孙活了五百多年了还从没见过上
孙悟空保护他的师傅唐僧去西天取经。这天,他们来到了一座城堡前。只见城堡上方写着“智慧城”三个大字,城门口有很多士兵把守着。唐僧过去问道:“这位大哥,我们是从东土大唐来的,要去西天取经,可不可以放我们过去呀?”  那士兵答道:“我们这里是智慧城,任何想要进城的人必须得答对城门上的问题。”唐僧仔细一看,只见城门上写着:在下面的算式中添上+,-,×,÷,( )等符号,使它们的得数都等于100。其中每
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放寒假了,你有什么计划呢?瞧,我们的韩乐乐,他可是当起了小老板哦!  勤工俭学,在美国是很流行的,不仅可以让孩子学会理财,还能培养他们的独立性。呵呵,这个寒假,你不妨也给自己找份工作,说不定下一个小老板就是你哦!  见过十岁的小老板吗?如果你没见过,就太孤陋寡闻了!让我荣幸地告诉你:我叫韩乐乐,今年十岁,在美国开了一家公司,正在当老板呢!而且,爸爸妈妈可没帮我哟。  不信,让我慢慢告诉你……  2
“真有意思!”小圆点边鼓掌边喊道:“我知道了,梯形面积也是平行四边形的一半。”  大铅笔博士说:“不过,这个平行四边形的底是梯形的上底加下底,所以求梯形的面积应该是:(上底+下底)×高÷2。”  “对,求三角形面积和梯形面积都不能忘记除以2。”小剪子说。  这时台上传来一阵悦耳的歌声:  两个全等三角形,拼成平行四边形,  三角形用底乘高,除以2,要记清。  两个全等梯形,拼成平行四边形,  梯形