
来源 :宝钢技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:WSZYC
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1990年是宝钢投产的第五个年头,在即将来临的新的一年里让我们一起来回顾过去,展望将来。一、宝钢投产四年在生产技术上取得可喜的成绩宝钢投产四年在生产技术上取得可喜的成绩,首先是在顺利投产,一年达产之后,连续三年以每年20万吨的产量增长。一个现代化的大型钢铁联合企业长期一个高炉生产,在国内外都是十分困难的,宝钢一号高炉投产后即出现炉腰温度难以控制,在外国专家撤走之后,依靠宝钢自己的技术力量解 1990 is the fifth year that Baosteel has been put into operation. Let us work together to review the past and look forward to the future in the coming new year. First, Baosteel put into operation four years in the production technology has made gratifying achievements Baosteel put into operation four years in the production technology has made gratifying achievements, first in a smooth put into operation, a year of production, the annual output of 200,000 tons for three consecutive years of production growth . A modern large-scale iron and steel complex long-term production of a blast furnace, at home and abroad are very difficult, Baosteel No. 1 blast furnace temperature appears to be difficult to control after the furnace, the withdrawal of foreign experts, relying on Baosteel’s own technical strength solution
In this work,we propose an efficient method of reducing the computational effort of variational calculation with a Hylleraas-like trial wavefunction.The method
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