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  1. 完整性尽管文章有意挖去了一些词或短语,使信息链中断,造成间隔性的语义空白,但仍不失为一篇表达完整的文章。而且规范的完形填空命题首句往往不设空。
  2. 实词性完形填空题的设置以意义完形为主,惯用搭配和语法完形为辅。所给选项以实词为主,虚词为辅。而对实词的考查又以考查情景意义为主。动词、名词、形容词等占很大比重,而介词的考查多以习语、惯用法等形式出现。
  3. 同类性同类性是指所给的四个选项基本上属于同一种词性和词形,要么都是名词,要么都是动词。这种题型要求同学们要从所给词语本身的意义和用法入手进行分析,逐一排除错误的或不太妥当的选项,最终确定最佳答案。
  4. 语境性“词不离句,句不离文”是完形填空最突出的一个特点。很多时候,所给的四个选项从语法角度来看都正确,或者没有明显的语法错误,单独从此空所在的句子很难做出判断,需通读上下文才能选出正确答案。题目的设置绝大多数是就近暗示,某些关键词、短语、甚至是标点符号,都有可能是答题的突破口。如 and, or, however, but 等前后连接成分的同义或反义关系; that is, in other words 等的解释说明作用等;还有的以信息句的形式出现,通过上下句的对照可找到答案。
  5. 推理性近年来,完形填空越来越侧重考查考生根据上下文所提供的信息进行语言逻辑推理判断的能力。因此,题目的设置有朝深层结构或语境化方向发展的趋势。这要求学生不仅要捕捉上下文乃至全文的信息,而且要依照事物的发展规律、前因后果等进行综合分析判断,推断出正确的答案。
  6. 常识性还有些题目的设置无论从词汇、语法、惯用法还是语境方面考虑都无法确定正确答案。这种情况下,就需要考生借助于常识或某些背景知识来解决问题。所以同学们不仅要熟练掌握语言基础知识,还要了解英语文化和风俗习惯,养成跨文化思维意识。
  第一步宏观理解: 速读全文,理清文章脉络,把握文章主旨,并通过语感来猜测答案。
  [经典试题]...Suddenly remembering that she had come out without her umbrella, Mrs. Grant felt _____19 _____for what she had done...
  19. A. angryB. sorryC. luckyD. glad
  [简析] 该题所提供的四个选项都是形容词,只有在理解语境(我误拿了别人的伞)的基础上,才可以推断出“我”当时的心理感觉应该是“内疚”,所以B项正确。
  [经典试题]...We were busy _____18 _____some beautiful story books,a doll house, a holiday dress and toys....(2010年徐州)
  18. A. buyB. boughtC. to buyD. buying
  [简析] 审题后可以知道,该题考查的是 “be busy doing sth.”这一固定搭配,故可以快速得到正确答案D项。
  [经典试题]...I took hold of the lady’s arm. It took us about ten _____22 _____to slowly get down the steps...(2010年泰州)
  22. A. secondsB. minutesC. hoursD. days
  [典型题例]Jody was ten years old when he decided he needed a job. He thought it might be _____ 36 _____ to raise (养) worms. He could sell them to farmers and people who fished. So in _____ 37 _____,he bought many worms. But that winter the cold weather killed all the worms because he had not _____ 38 _____ them in a warm place.
  The next spring Jody _____ 39 _____ again. He bought more worms, which he took good care of...(2008年无锡)
   36. A. boring B. lucky C. fun D. impossible
   37. A. autumn B. spring C. winter D. summer
   38. A. caught B. found C. hidden D. put
   39. A. tried B. waited C. failed D. practised
  [典型题例]...He was one of the few people who _____28_____ to see a city street named in his honor. In 1991,one of the streets in his hometown was named “Daddy Bruce”. A few years later,he died ...
  28. A. cameB. livedC. wantedD. wished
  [简析] 单纯从语法的角度来看,以上这道题所提供的四个选项都可以选择。此时,考生通过阅读下文“In 1991, one of the streets in his hometown was named “Daddy Bruce”. A few years later, he died.”可以知道,“他(Daddy Bruce)”应该是为数不多能“活着”看到以自己的名字来给街道命名的几个人之一,故B项正确。
  [典型题例]...“Hold your head up high” has been _____29 _____many times in my home. Each of my children has felt its _____30 _____. The gift she gave me lives on in my children.
  29. A. shouted B. heard C. broadcast D. discussed
  30. A. power B. promise C. energy D. secret
  [简析] 根据上文,结合词义的辨析,可以知道第29题的最佳答案应该是B项。而第30题的正确解答,则需要考生在全面理解短文的基础上弄清文章的深层意义(我们必须要昂首挺胸,勇敢地面对世界),才能选出最佳答案A项。
  In Brooklyn, New York, a little girl was playing with some boys. They were riding bicycles and playing ball games.
  “Diana!” the girl’s father called. “Play with the _____ 1 _____ ! You’re not a boy.”
  Diana’s father sounded angry. But Diana knew that her father was in fact
   _____ 2 _____ of her for being good at sports, and strong.
  As Diana grew up, however, she _____ 3 _____ playing ball games and riding bicycles. She got married and had two sons. The years passed.
  One day, _____ 4 _____ Diana was 48 years old, she went to a gym. She started doing exercise: lifting weights, jogging and swimming. She really _____ 5 _____ it, and began going every day. She got stronger and stronger, and _____ 6 _____ a bodybuilder. Today Diana Vasquez is a champion(冠军) bodybuilder who has won over twenty-four awards for bodybuilding.
  Diana says the reason she exercises is not only to win _____ 7 _____ . Her father said, “Good health is very important. Without your health you’ll have nothing.” Diana thinks her father is right. She says, “Bodybuilding keeps me healthy. I _____ 8 _____ better today than I did twenty years ago.”
  Diana says, “Good food is very important too. Diet is fifty percent of _____ 9 _____ . I don’t eat butter or oil. I eat a lot of fruit, vegetables and rice. I also get plenty of sleep and go out often for fresh _____ 10 _____ .”
  Bodybuilding and a good diet keep Diana healthy and young-looking. How old do you think she is?
  1. A. kids B. adults C. girls D. boys
  2. A. careful B. afraid C. proud D. tired
  3. A. strarted B. stopped C. remembered D. liked
  4. A. because B. unless C. since D. when
  5. A. hoped B. built C. preferred D. enjoyed
  6. A. became B. brought C. taught D. dreamed
  7. A. money B. attention C. performances D. awards
  8. A. study B. dress C. grow D. feel
  9. A. weight B. health C. life D. pleasure
  10. A. mind B. water C. air D. meal
  I dropped my 5-year-old daughter off at the day care centre yesterday. There we saw one of her friends sitting at a table alone, crying . She sometimes gets _____ 1 _____ when her mom leaves. My daughter _____ 2 _____ with her, and they’re good friends. When we saw the little girl _____ 3 _____ , I asked my daughter if she wanted to go and _____ 4 _____ by her. She said, “Yes, I don’t want her to be _____ 5 _____ ,” and then took her breakfast to sit beside her friend. I watched her _____ 6 _____ her food and talk to the little girl.
  Walking back to my car I was very happy to know that my little girl has a kind heart. When I got home last night, I asked her how her day had been. She said that her _____ 7 _____ wasn’t sad any more. She was proud to have shared her _____ 8 _____ with her and played with her all day. I praised my daughter for being such a caring friend and told her that I was very proud of her. She smiled, and told me that she didn’t like to see people being sad.
  I hugged her and told her what a wonderful girl she was. _____ 9 _____ , she said,“I’m Daddy’s little girl.” I couldn’t help but smile, and was proud to be her dad. My little girl has _____ 10 _____ me a lot. Because of her I do my best to make people who may be sad smile.
  1. A. bored B. surprised C. excited D. worried
  2. A. agrees B. plays C. fights D. argues
  3. A. singing B. talking C. crying D. dancing
  4. A. sit B. wait C. pass D. drop
  5. A. frightened B. nervous C. afraid D. sad
  6. A. make B. eat C. enjoy D. share
  7. A. daughter B. teacher C. toy D. friend
  8. A. feeling B. drink C. food D. dream
  9. A. Sadly B. Luckily C. Proudly D. Rudely
  10. A. encouraged B. respected C. taught D. told
  This is a story about five brothers who live peacefully in a village. They have no parents and live by running a rice field. Their rice field is too far from home. After discussing, they all _____ 1 _____ to leave the youngest brother at home to take care of their house. The youngest is very happy with this _____ 2 _____ , so every day when the brothers arrive home, they always find that their house is _____ 3 _____ and comfortable. Foods and drinks are _____ 4 _____ on the table, their beds are warm and all the dirty clothes have been _____ 5 _____ .
  One day, one of the other brothers _____ 6 _____ the job of the youngest, so he says to his other brothers that it is unfair, _____ 7 _____ the youngest never has to go to the field. At last, the others accept his idea, so now they all go to the field together, _____ 8 _____ the youngest. However, _____ 9 _____ they get home they find that their home in a mess and the table is empty. Only then do they realize the change. Their youngest brother plays a very important role, and they have _____ 10 _____ the importance of his staying at home.
  So never ignore those who work _____ 11 _____ the scene and those whose _____ 12 _____ can never be seen. If we do that, one day we will find that we have _____ 13 _____ the best people in our home. Learn to see the _____ 14 _____ side of what people do, and imagine what if they leave your life or your house . Remember!We all have different _____ 15 _____ , so even though some people might only have average talents, we have to learn to respect them and their ability.
  1. A. fail _____ B. agree _____ C. afford _____ D. refuse
  2. A. decision B. order _____ C. destination D. reason
  3. A. rough B. unpleasant C. clean _____ D. soft
  4. A. prepared B. cooled _____C. ordered D. eaten
  5. A. ironed B. repaired C. brushed D. washed
  6. A. misuses B. leaves _____C. reduces D. envies
  7. A. because B. therefore C. however D. while
  8. A. containing B. surrounding C. leaving D. including
  9. A. when B. even _____ C. before _____ D. until
  10. A. misused B. balanced C. trusted D. ignored
  11. A. at _____ B. in C. before _____ D. behind
  12. A. sight B. confidence C. work D. sense
  13. A. named B. lost C. controlled D. killed
  14. A. good B. bad C. certain _____D. curious
  15. A. talents B. evidences C. successes D.scores _____
  A father and his son were walking together, enjoying the early morning wind. They had a good distance when the father stopped _____ 1 _____ and said, “Son, stop!”
  The son asked, “What’s wrong?”
  The father said, “ _____ 2 _____ special, but let’s not walk any _____ 3 _____ on this road.”
  “Why not?” asked the son.
  “Do you see that elderly man _____ 4 _____ towards us?” the father asked, _____ 5 _____down the road .
  “Yes, I see him,” replied the son.
  “He’s a(n) _____ 6 _____ of mine,” said the father. “He borrowed money from me and can’t _____ 7 _____ me back . Whenever he sees me, he says he’ll borrow some _____ 8 _____ from someone else so as to return it to me . This has been going on for a long time, and I don’t want to make him too sorry.”
  The son said, “Father, _____ 9 _____ you don’t want to embarrass(使困窘)him, why don’t you tell him the money was a _____ 10 _____ and you don’t want it back?”
  “I’ve already told him that,” said the father. “When I said, I don’t want it back,it’s a present, he got angry and said,‘I’m not a beggar!I’m your friend! When I was in _____ 11 _____ , you gave me money, and when I can, I’ll give it back! I want to be your friend, not become a beggar!’I don’t want to embarrass him, or myself, either. So let’s take another road.”
  The son said, “Father,you are truly good. I’m very _____ 12 _____ of you. It’s usually the _____ 13 _____ who tries to avoid the lender. It’s usually the _____ 14 _____ who is embarrassed, not the giver. But you’re so kind, and always _____ 15 _____ of others. I’ve learned from you to be a sympathetic(有同情心的) person.”
  1. A. hopefully B. totally C. confidently D. suddenly
  2. A. Nothing B. Anything C. Something D. Everything
  3. A. slower B. wider C. farther _____D. shorter
  4. A. coming B. swimming _____ C. camping D. jumping
  5. A. taking B. sitting C. running D. pointing
  6. A. enemy B. friend C. stranger D. helper
  7. A. call _____ B. put C. pay D. get
  8. A. food _____ B. money C. jewellery D. treasure
  9. A. unless B. if _____C. whether D. until
  10. A. coin B. chance C. gift D. waste
  11. A. sight B. public C. need _____ D. doubt
  12. A. tired B. proud C. afraid _____ D. full
  13. A. foreigner B. explorer C. borrower D. visitor
  14. A. winner B. visitor C. stranger D. receiver
  15. A. hear B. rob C. think _____ D. talk
  When I was young, I always helped my grandfather in the fields. As I worked beside him, he _____ 1 _____ to tell a story about a man named Joe, and his wife, who moved to a new farm with their three sons. They were settling(定居) into the new place _____ 2 _____ a nearby farmer told Joe that there was gold in the earth. Joe was very _____ 3 _____ , and told his sons about it.
  They began to dig in one corner, and they got to the end of the field. At the same time, Joe thought he would _____ 4 _____ some crops where the earth had been
   _____ 5 _____ . The plants included corn, tomatoes, potatoes, etc. His sons continued to dig through the soil, made up their mind to find the gold. Since _____ 6 _____ soil was being turned, Joe could plant more crops. Joe had never farmed before, but it had always been his _____ 7 _____ .
  As different crops came ready to be harvested, Joe started to _____ 8 _____ that there were more vegetables than he and his family could ever _____ 9 _____ . One of Joe’s neighbors suggested that he _____ 10 _____ a vegetable shop. Joe and his wife did _____ 11 _____ very thing. They called it Joe and Family Vegetables. Joe even had to leave some crops in the field, _____ 12 _____ he had more than enough to supply the vegetable shop.
  This went on for years, and Joe and his wife became quite rich from their little vegetalbe shop . They were even able to _____ 13 _____ their sons to college.
  Remember the beginning of the story, when Joe was told by his new neighbour that there was gold in the land?Well, the truth is, Joe’s understanding of the English language was less than perfect. His new neighbor friend _____ 14 _____ meant that his land had rich _____ 15 _____ . So you can see where the concept (概念) of gold comes from.
  1. A. feared B. agreed C. used _____D. failed
  2. A. while B. as C. when _____D. after
  3. A. happy B. disappointed C. angry D. calm
  4. A. plant B. harvest C. water D. feed
  5. A. controlled B. burned C. turned D. destroyed
  6. A. more B. most _____ C. much D. few
  7. A. job _____ B. problem C. pity _____ D. dream
  8. A. realize B. promise C. relate D. regret
  9. A. feed _____B. eat C. plant D. sell
  10. A. take up B. set up C. turn up D. make up
  11. A. this B. that _____ C. a D. any
  12. A. now B. though C. so D. because
  13. A. bring B. take _____ C. send D. make
  14. A. actually B. eventually C. hopefully D. unfortunately
  15. A. mud B. gold _____ C. soil _____ D. material
  A.1—5 C C B D D6—10 A D D B C
  B.1—5 D B C A D6—10 D D C C C
  C.1—5 B A C A D6—10 D A D A D11—15 D C B A A
  D.1—5 D A C A D6—10 B C B B C11—15 C B C D C
  E.1—5 C C A A C6—10 A D A B B11—15 B D C A C
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[摘 要] 高校計算机实验室是大学生学习计算机知识与培养实践动手能力的重要场所,是高校教学的重要组成部分。为了更好地服务于教学,实验室的管理与维护工作就显得极为重要。  [关 键 词] 高校;计算机实验室;管理;维护  [中图分类号] G647 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(2018)04-0206-02  高校计算机实验室是计算机实验教学的基础平台,承担了大量的计算机基础
新课程引领下,江苏省十三市初中毕业英语学业考试(中考) 在试卷结构、考试内容以及考试要求等方面均作了适当调整,变化最大的是增加了一些具有语境的应用型试题,意在指向以培养学生英语运用能力为目标的英语新课程教学。如词汇部分,各地试卷均加大了对考生词汇产出性知识的考查力度。目前十三市中考试卷中有关词汇的测试题型主要有单词拼写、词形转换和短文(对话)填词等,每个考查的单词都出现在有意义的句子或短文中,这说