在江苏省高邮市城东北郊2公里的北澄子河边有一个不起眼的小村庄,叫陈总兵庄。1991年大水,《文汇报》的记者,来高邮了解明代著名水利家陈瑄在高邮治水的情况,除总兵庄引起了人们的关注。原来陈总兵庄与陈瑄还有一段较密切的关系。 陈瑄(1365—1433),字彦纯,合肥人,明太祖时其父为成都右卫指挥同知,曾修理过都江堰,后因征西南有功,迁四川行都司都指挥同知,擢右军都督府都督佥事。成祖即位封平江伯
In the northern suburbs of Gaoyou City, Jiangsu Province, 2km north of the river, there is a humble village named Chen Zongbingzhuang. In 1991, Dashui, a reporter of Wen Wei Po, came to Gaoyou to understand the situation of the Ming Dynasty famous water conservator Chen Yan in the flood control of Gaoyou. In addition to the general soldier, Zhuangzhuang attracted people’s attention. It was originally said that Chen Zhuangbingzhuang and Chen Hao had a relatively close relationship. Chen Yu (1365–1433), character Yoshihide, Hefei, when his grandfather was his father, he commanded and defended Dujiangyan in Chengdu. He had repaired Dujiangyan. Military governors and governors. Into the throne