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各种子宫畸形中子宫纵隔畸形占子宫畸形的80%左右易引起早期流产。子宫畸形导致流产是由于纵隔区缺乏血管及子宫内膜发育不良、一旦受精卵在纵隔着床时,因血供不足影响胎盘胎儿的发育所致。现介绍子宫不全纵隔引起习惯性流产经保胎获活婴三例。报告如下: 一、病史摘要例一,郝某,女,36岁。妊娠35周,因胎膜早破入院,G4P_0,此次妊娠一直用中西药保胎,入院时宫高34厘米,胎位右枕前,胎心144次,入院后证实胎膜已破、给青霉素肌注,静脉给硫酸镁,地塞米松,口服舒喘灵。入院后2天有正规宫缩,宫口开2厘米,孕妇患有脊髓灰质炎后遗症,下肢外展困难,行剖宫 Various uterine malformations in the uterine malformation accounted for about 80% of uterine malformations easily lead to early abortion. Abortion caused by uterine malformation is due to lack of vascular mediastinal and endometrial dysplasia, once the fertilized eggs in mediastinal implants, due to insufficient blood supply affect the development of the fetal placenta. Are introduced uterine mediastinal habitual abortion caused by abortion fetus live births in three cases. The report is as follows: First, a summary of the history of a case, Hao Mou, female, 36 years old. 35 weeks of pregnancy, premature rupture of membranes admitted to hospital, the pregnancy has been using Chinese and Western medicine miscarriage, admission Palace height 34 cm, fetal position right pillow, fetal heart rate 144, confirmed that fetal membranes have been broken after admission to penicillin Intramuscular injection, intravenous magnesium sulfate, dexamethasone, oral salbutamol. 2 days after admission, regular contractions, cervix open 2 cm, pregnant women suffering from polio sequelae, lower extremity outreach difficulties, the cesarean section
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为观察 GnRH 激动剂 leuprolide 治疗子宫肌瘤的有效性及安全性,选择①绝经前月经周期规律,雏经前月经同别脚f-年龄最小21岁,②未妊娠,未哺乳,③子宫增大经超声或磁共振证实
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