
来源 :中国血吸虫病防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pgzwoaini1
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目的了解荔波县疟疾防治措施执行情况及实际效果,为消除疟疾工作提供科学依据。方法收集荔波县各年的疟疾防治资料,抽取县疾病预防控制中心、县人民医院,同时采取分层抽样法,按近两年发病率高低抽取发病较高的8个乡(镇),每个乡(镇)各选取2个村,每个村入户走访调查10户居民。通过查阅资料、现场考核和入户走访的方式,全面了解防治机构建设、能力水平及措施和效果。结果全县疟疾发病率逐年下降,从2008年的5.75/万下降到2012年的0,县乡两级能独立开展血检监测,传染源控制及时,居民防蚊设施使用率93.75%,防治知识知晓率40.13%。结论本地传染源控制措施落实到位,防治效果较为满意,但媒介控制有限,人群主动防护意识不强,一旦有疟疾病例输入,仍可引起传播和流行,消除疟疾任务仍很艰巨。 Objective To understand the implementation and actual results of malaria control measures in Libo County and provide a scientific basis for the elimination of malaria. Methods The data of malaria control in Libo county were collected. The county CDC and county people’s hospital were collected. At the same time stratified sampling method was adopted to collect the 8 townships (towns) with higher morbidity according to the morbidity of recent two years. A township (town) each selected two villages, each village households visited 10 households surveyed. Through access to information, on-site assessment and home visits, a comprehensive understanding of the construction of prevention and control institutions, ability levels and measures and effects. Results The incidence of malaria in the county decreased year by year, from 5.75 / million in 2008 to 0 in 2012. County and township hospitals were able to independently carry out blood tests and control the sources of infection in a timely manner. The utilization rate of residents’ anti-mosquito facilities was 93.75%, prevention and treatment knowledge 40.13% awareness rate. Conclusion The control measures of local sources of infection are in place and the control effect is satisfactory. However, the media have limited control and the awareness of active protection of the population is not strong. Once a case of malaria is imported, it can still cause spread and epidemics. The task of eliminating malaria is still arduous.
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