Effect of Powder Particle Size on the Properties and Microstructure of Ti(C,N)-Based Cermet

来源 :Rare Metals | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:net917208
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The influence of raw powder particle size on the properties and microstructures of Ti (C, N)-based cermets has been studied. The conclusions are as follows: The microsmictures of cermets were composed of two kinds of grains, the one with black cores surrounded by obvious rim structures, and the other whose cores were white with unconspicuous rim structures and adhesive phase. In the cermet made from fine powders, the amount of grains with white cores was much more than that in cermet made from coarse powders. In addition, their properties were also much better. The influence of raw powder particle size on the properties and microstructures of Ti (C, N) -based cermets has been studied. Theses are as follows: The microsmictures of cermets were composed of two kinds of grains, the one with black cores surrounded by obvious rim structures, and the other whose cores were white with unconspicuous rim structures and adhesive phase. in the cermet made from fine powders, the amount of grains with white cores was much more than that in cermet made from coarse powders. their properties were also much better.
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