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精神文明建设法制化,既是法制建设与精神文明建设有机结合的载体,也是两者同步推进的重要途径。在发展社会主义市场经济的新形势下,切实加强精神文明法制建设,对于贯彻落实十五大精神,克服精神文明建设中的“人治”现象,保证精神文明建设按自身规律健康发展具有重要意义。 一、精神文明建设法制化的必要性和紧迫性 实现精神文明建设法制化,是实践和时代发展的需要,是历史发展的必然。 首先,精神文明建设法制化,是总结历史经验和教训得出的必然结论。历史上,我国社会主义精神文明建设曾发生过曲折和偏颇。一是把精神文明建设抬到了至高无上的地位,主张精神万能论,结果既干扰、耽误了经济建设,又败坏了精神文明建设自身的形象和声誉。二是在纠正精神万能论的错误之后,又曾一度出现了贬低精神文明建设的倾向,即从精神万能走向精神无用的歧路。近年来,尽管党中央一再 The legalization of the construction of spiritual civilization is not only the carrier of the organic combination of the legal system construction and the spiritual civilization building, but also an important way for the two to advance simultaneously. Under the new situation of developing the socialist market economy, strengthening the construction of the legal system of spiritual civilization is of great significance for implementing the spirit of the 15th Party Congress, overcoming the phenomenon of “man by rule” in the construction of spiritual civilization and ensuring the spiritual civilization is built on its own principles. I. The Necessity and Urgency of Legalization of Spiritual Civilization Building the legal system of spiritual civilization is the need of practice and the development of the times and is the inevitable development of history. First of all, the legalization of the construction of spiritual civilization is the inevitable conclusion drawn from the historical experience and lessons learned. Historically, there have been twists and turns in the construction of China’s socialist spiritual civilization. First, the construction of spiritual civilization was elevated to the highest status and advocated the theory of spiritual omnipotence. As a result, it not only disrupted and delayed economic construction, but also corrupted the image and reputation of spiritual civilization. Second, after correcting the mistake of the omnipotence theory, there once appeared the tendency of belittling the construction of spiritual civilization, that is, shifting from a spiritual omnipotence to a spiritual useless crossroads. In recent years, despite the repeated Central Party Central Committee
对于文字的感觉,让我不自觉地想起安妮宝贝文字里透出的那份淡定从容,感觉就像山间的流水,流过身体,令人心旷神怡,无论相隔多么久远仍让人记得那份清凉。 For the feeling o
2月5日晴桃李芬芳,鸟语花香,峰峦绵绵,蝶舞翩翩……青春呵,您是美的集聚;您是牧歌式的田园风光……朋友,您领略过这如烟似梦的春色吗?确实,自然界的青春是美好的,而 On Febr
3月1日 晴  没有浴火的痛苦,又哪来涅槃重生的动人一瞬?  ——题记    也许当生命之种还掩埋在黄沙中时,它便幻想着七月的彩虹,虽然它幼嫩的心灵还无法悟透痛苦的内涵,即使那是一个迷失的梦。  春花秋月洗涤着内心的酸楚,他不知所措,又重新踏上寻梦的路。本想在追梦中聆听飞翔的心声,可是还未展翅,羽翼便已先折。记忆里的歌谣,因为宿命而低沉哀伤,失去了以往的轻狂,留下的只有悲怆的挽歌。  六月的魔咒好