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半个世纪前,一个伟大义举振奋华胄雄威她宛然一把锋芒利镝,戳得国民党反动政府魂飞魄丧她犹如一曲爱国乐章,华夏儿女高亢咏唱踔厉风发近日,在中国人民革命军事博物馆精心调整后重新开放的《全国解放战争馆》中,陈列着两块解放战争时期国民党起义军舰的舰牌。黄铜铸造的舰牌上镌刻着道劲的“重庆”两个大字,每字一块,每块重约125公斤。这副经过战火洗礼的舰牌被陈列在一个立式斜面玻璃展柜中,其岁月沧桑留下的斑斑痕迹,见证着当年“重庆”舰官兵弃暗投明、献身祖国解放事业的光辉历史。英国政府赠送给国民党政府巡洋舰“重庆”号巡洋舰是国民党海军中最大的一艘旗舰,舰重7000余吨,排水量为7500吨,全长505英尺、宽51英尺,额定功率6400马力,最高航速每小时32海里,续航能力4000海里。满员编制650名官兵。舰上装有 Half a century ago, a great act of enlightening Huaxiong majestic She Wanran a sharp Leyi, stamped Kuomintang reactionary soul of the soul depraved her like a patriotic movement, Chinese children sang chant hasty speech Recently, at the Chinese People’s Revolutionary Military Museum In the “National Liberation War Museum” that was carefully adjusted and then reopened, two ships of KMT rebel warships during the liberation war were displayed. Engraved on the brass brand of shipbuilding “Chongqing” two characters, each one, each weighing about 125 kilograms. This war-baptism ship was displayed in a vertical bevel glass showcase. The traces of years left by its vicissitudes witness the glorious history of the officers and soldiers of the “Chongqing” ship abandoning darkness and dedicating themselves to the cause of liberation of the motherland. The British government gave the Kuomintang government cruiser “Chongqing” cruiser is the KMT’s largest naval flagship, weighing 7,000 tons, displacement of 7,500 tons, a total length of 505 feet, 51 feet wide, rated power of 6400 horsepower, the maximum speed of 32 nautical hours, life of 4,000 nautical miles. Full staff 650 officers and men. Ship equipped with
“兵者,诡道也。”孙子的这句至理名言,道出了战争中克敌制胜的法宝。“上兵伐谋、先谋后战、谋而后胜”是军事斗争领域的普遍真理。通过谋略,拥有优势的一方更能稳操 “S
导学案和教材一样,是课程资源,是适合学生实际的校本教材,是学生自主学习、合作探究的路线图。编写时要做到课时化、问题化、参与化、方法化、层次化、评价化。 Like the te
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当一件军服的人 才资源链包含两个院 士、两个博士、一个 高级工程师……你能想 到的也许不仅是这件军 服的科技流程,而是它 背后更为神秘的人才秘 密。当一个运行畅通的 人
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