The Literature Review of Domestic Researches on Critical Discourse Analysis in Recent Ten Years

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  【Abstract】This thesis reviews the domestic researches on the critical discourse analysis (CDA) in the recent ten years to show the domestic research status. Through analyzing 38 academic papers on CDA published in CSSCI source journals from 2009 to June 2019, the thesis focuses on three categories of research contents: the theoretical review, theoretical extension and text analysis. The thesis shows that the development of the domestic research status presents an interdisciplinary trend and the research methods become more diversified.
  【Key words】CDA; literature review; domestic researches
  1. Introduction
  Critical discourse analysis (CDA) is a branch of discourse analysis which examines the relationship between linguistic patterns of a text or talk and its relevant social structure and ideologies. The term CDA was first proposed in Fairclough’s Language and Power in 1989. Fairclough (1995) defines CDA as “an social practice” and Van Dijk (1998) holds the view that CDA is a typical analytical tool that mainly studies social power abuse, inequality in text and talk in the social and political context. Since the 1990s, domestic linguists have started the researches on critical linguistics. This thesis is going to make a literature review of 38 academic papers of CDA collected from CNKI net which are published on the core journals from 2009 to June 2019. From this literature review, there will be a more comprehensive, and clearer understanding of the current research status in the field of CDA.
  2. The Domestic Research Status in the Recent Ten Years
  As for the papers about theoretical review, they are trying to introduce and review the CDA study home and abroad from different perspectives. Wei Xinxin (2010) summarized the literary criticism basis and Wu Jianguo (2015) pointed out that theories of CDA absorbed the achievements of social science and philosophical theory. Liu Lihua (2016) introduced the newly development of theories from the perspective of the media critical consciousness. As for the papers about theoretical extension, the most significant development is to absorb the achievements of cognitive linguistics and corpus linguistics. Hu Yunfei (2009) discussed the disciplinary orientation of CDA study from the cognitive perspective in detail. Tian Hailong (2013) discussed two approaches, the cognitive discourse analysis and cognitive context analysis, to study CDA. Qian Yufang (2010) introduced the research method to adapt corpus linguistics to CDA study. Ma Xiaoli (2016) demonstrated how to research on CDA based on the corpus linguistics. CDA gradually influence the study of education as well. There are 9 papers researching on CDA by analyzing news discourses. He Yongcheng (2009) analyzed the image of China conducted in western mass media. Yang Na and Wu Peng (2012) discussed a report on Chinese women from New York Times. Fang Gege (2018) compared the propagation effect of the Belt and Road Initiative home and abroad by adapting theories of CDA through analyzing specific news discourses.   3. Conclusion
  Through reviewing and concluding the research contents of 38 papers concluded linguistic, social, educational and general categories, the thesis finds the domestic CDA study has realized the significant development from the theoretical review, theoretical extension and text analysis. In general, the domestic CDA study is gradually merging with the researches abroad and presents the trend of the diversification of research methods, the expansion of research contents, and the localization of research issues.
  [1] Fairclough, N. Media Discourse[J]. London: Edward Arnold, 1995.
  [2] Wodark, R. Methods of Text and Discourse Analysis: in Search of Meaning[J]. London: Sage Publications Ltd, 2000.
  [3] Van Dijk. Ideology: A Multidisciplinary Study[J]. London: Sage Publications Ltd, 1998:8.
  [5]何永成.西方传媒架构中中国图像的批判话语分析[J].求索,2009 (08):93-95.
  [6]胡云飞.话语批判之学科取向:话语与社会[J].江汉论坛,2009 (03):62-67.
【摘要】随着教育的不断变革,教师的教育理念也在不断地变化。教师对于学生英语水平的高低评判不仅仅只限于学生的成绩,更多的是关注学生的核心素养、英语口语水平及读写结合的能力等。本文将对如何开展小学英语读写结合这一教学模式进行阐述和探究,从而不断增强学生的英语核心素养,培养适合社会发展的人。  【关键词】小学英语;读写结合;教学探究  【作者简介】王淑全,山东省滨州市邹平市梁邹小学。  布瓦洛曾说:“你
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近年来,随着经济的迅速发展,越来越多的民工子女来学校就读,民工子女已占全校学生人数的一半以上。几年来,学校努力贯彻“平等育人、快乐做人”的教育理念,以“培养民工子女主体性人格”为目标,全面实施“互助双赢制”、“教育导师制”,切实有效地提高了民工子女的素质,促进了学校发展。    一、深化“互助双赢制”,共同进步    学校在各班广泛开展了民工子女教育调研工作,结合实际情况,通过实施以“小手拉小手”
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【摘要】阅读是英语学科的主要内容,是培养学生核心素养的主要活动。培养学生核心素养,需要教师优化传统的初中英语阅读教学,应用多样的策略培养学生学习能力、思维能力、文化品质等,使学生们形成必备品质和关键能力。基于此,笔者在实施初中英语阅读教学的时候,以核心素养为指导,着力探究具体策略。在这篇文章中,笔者将结合探索经验,详细阐述组织初中英语阅读教学的策略。  【关键词】初中英语;阅读教学;核心素养;教学
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