R-Technology of Programming: Basic Notions and Implementation

来源 :Journal of Computer Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nilly
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This paper presents a kind of visual programming, which is called R-technology of programming.The R-technology is independent of any programming language or operating system and the R-chart isin accord with international standard (ISO 8631H). The package of R-technology has been applied tothe high level languages such as PASCAL, C, ASSEMBLER, FORTRAN, PL/1, MODULA-2 andRTRAN. This package is applied to computers ranging from mainframes (IBM 370) and minis (VAX)to micros (IBM/PC). This paper presents a kind of visual programming, which is called R-technology of programming. The R-technology is independent of any programming language or operating system and the R-chart isin accord with international standard (ISO 8631H). The package of R -technology has been applied tothe high level languages ​​such as PASCAL, C, ASSEMBLER, FORTRAN, PL / 1, MODULA-2 andRTRAN. This package is applied to computers ranging from mainframes (IBM 370) and minis (VAX) to micros / PC).
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