
来源 :肿瘤 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sophia_deng
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患者女性,15岁。腹痛、便血1天。4个月来感有脐周隐痛,呈阵发性加剧,伴右下腹有块物隆起,时有腹泻,便血及高热,经对症处理可缓解。本次又便血不止,伴头晕眼花等休克入院。检查:慢性病容、消瘦、营养极差、重度贫血。体温38℃,脉搏126次/分,全身浅表淋巴结无增大,心肺正常。腹部轻度胀气,肝剑突下3cm,脾肋下触及,右下腹较饱满,可扪及6×4cm条状肿块。拟诊:下消化道出血待查。经过保守治疗,血止、热退、病情趋向稳定。钡灌检查,显示回盲部肠壁增厚,缩短变形伴息肉样充盈缺损,粘膜破坏。意见:增殖性结核可能。逐试行抗痨治疗,疗程中第16天突发脐周绞痛和大量多次鲜红血便,腹肌紧张、血压下降、决定急 Female patient, 15 years old. Abdominal pain, blood in the stool for 1 day. In the past 4 months, pain in the peri-umbilical cord was felt, and paroxysmal intensification was observed. There were swellings in the right lower abdomen with diarrhea, blood in the stool, and high fever. Symptomatic treatment relieved the symptoms. This time there was more than blood, with dizziness and other shock admission. Check: chronic disease, weight loss, poor nutrition, severe anemia. Body temperature 38 °C, pulse 126 beats / min, no increase in superficial lymph nodes, normal heart and lung. Mild flatulence in the abdomen, 3 cm below the xiphoid liver, subpleural and subpleural access, and fullness in the right lower abdomen, can be seen in 6×4 cm strips. To be diagnosed: Lower gastrointestinal bleeding is pending. After conservative treatment, the blood stopped, the heat retreated, and the condition tended to be stable. Bacterial irrigation examination showed thickening of the intestinal wall of the ileocecal region, shortening of the deformed polypoid filling defects, and destruction of the mucosa. Comment: Proliferative tuberculosis may. Trial-based anti-tuberculosis therapy was performed. On the 16th day of treatment, sudden cramps in the umbilical cord and a large number of bright red bloody stools occurred. Abdominal muscle tension, blood pressure decreased, and anxiety was determined.
平滑肌瘤可发生生在任何年龄及性别。常见于子宫、胃肠道及皮下,发生在鼻部者较少。现将我院所见3例报道如下: 例1 女性,38岁,1978年8月26日因反复鼻衄2个多月入院。检查发
占肺癌总数约20%的小细胞肺癌已证明是对关合使用化疗与放疗最为敏感的肺癌,它可使存活时血清NSE测间大为延长,甚至有少数小细胞肺癌病人能完全治愈。 Small cell lung can
胃肠道出现淋巴滤泡性炎症较多见,但在胆囊中出现此类炎疵较少见。我院遇见1例报告如下: 患者,女性,60岁。阵发性右上腹绞痛伴发冷发烧7~8天入院。既往有类似疼痛史半年。体
液氮冷冻治疗法自七十年代以来在我国各地医院已先后用于临床。我科自1976年开始采用液氮冷冻口腔颌面部各种肿瘤,共治疗病人1006例,达1896人次一(表1)。 Liquid nitrogen
胸膜间皮瘤为一少见的肿瘤,巨大胸膜良性间皮瘤更属罕见。我院最近遇到一例,现报道如下: 张某某,女,53岁,以间断咳嗽,闷气10年,加重伴左侧胸痛4年为主诉于1984年7月5 Pleur
Cetus公司推出两项以单克隆抗体为基础的前列腺癌诊断试验,EPICHROME~(TM)PAP(前列腺酸磷酸酶)试验和EPICHROME~(TM)PA(前列腺特异性抗原)试验。 据美国癌学会估计:美国每年