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《文汇报》的《记者见闻》栏目从1978年创办以来,向广大读者推荐了许多生动活泼又发人深思的好文章,少则三五日一篇,多则天天都有,甚至一日数篇。这些文章篇幅不长,但以其发现问题迅速、揭露弊端及时,在社会上引起很大反响,受到了上至市委领导、下到普通群众的广泛注意,对促进社会问题及早解决起了很好的推动作用。 Since its founding in 1978, the “Wen Wei Po” “Reporter’s Guide” section has recommended many lively and thought-provoking articles to readers, ranging from one article to another on the 35th, and more on a daily basis, even on a daily basis. These articles are not long, but they found the problems promptly and uncovered the shortcomings in a timely manner, aroused great repercussions in the community, by the municipal leadership, down to the general public’s extensive attention to promoting social problems played a good early solution The role of promotion.
We propose an optimal approach to solve the problem of multi-degree reduction of C-Bézier surfaces in the norm L2 with prescribed constraints. The control poin
Emotion-based features are critical for achieving high performance in a speech emotion recognition(SER) system. In general, it is difficult to develop these fea
本试验采用7个自选系、7个外引系、外杂选系和按NCⅡ组配的49个杂种F_1组合为研究材料。用混合线性模型、配合力、遗传聚类等分析方法,对差异显著的17个性状进行了分析;以研究14个自交系的遗传特性与育种潜力,并着重对不同分析方法进行了比较研究,主要结果如下。 混合模型分析表明,单株粒重、穗位高等9个性状的遗传符合显-加加上模型,雄穗分枝、苞叶重等7个性状的遗传符合加-显模型;穗行数的遗...
To match human perception, extracting perceptual features effectively plays an important role in image quality assessment. In contrast to most existing methods
In this paper, we present a novel geometric method for e?ciently and robustly computing intersections between a ray and a triangular Bézier patch defi ned over
2009中国国际雕塑年鉴展杭州巡展于2009年6月16日至7月5日期间,在杭州西湖博览会博物馆隆重举行。开幕式上,巡展迎来了中国工艺美术学会理事长杨 2009 China International