今年年初,一本权威刊物上显示出这样的排列:在全国30个省、直辖市、自治区综合科技能力评估中,陕西省位居第三,紧随北京、上海之后。随即,不少省市闻讯纷纷涌进三秦大地招贤纳士,要技术,要人才,恨不得把陕西的人才和技术来个“连锅端”。 面对如此迅猛的“人才争夺战”,作为科技大省的陕西上下感到了强烈的震动,许多有识之士对此无不忧虑。按说,具有70多万科技大军、700所科研单位、55所大专院校和近
Earlier this year, an authoritative publication showed the following arrangement: Among the 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in Shaanxi Province, Shaanxi ranks third in the comprehensive science and technology capacity assessment, following Beijing and Shanghai. Immediately afterwards, many provinces and municipalities heard the news that they had poured into the land of Sanqin one after another to recruit their talents and technologies. Faced with such a swift and violent “battle for talent,” Shaanxi, as a big scientific and technological province, felt a strong shock from above and below. Many people of insight have all the worries about this. According to say, with more than 700,000 science and technology army, 700 research institutes, 55 tertiary institutions and nearly