What a Bad Day!

来源 :中学生英语·七年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangjie333666
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    I had a bad day today.
  I got up late this morning, so I had no time to have breakfast. I had to run to the bus stop to catch the bus. Then in the first class I couldn’t find my English book. I called my father and he said it was still on my table. In the second class, Mr. Yi, the Chinese teacher, asked me to recite the text, but I couldn’t. The third class was P. E. We played basketball on the playground. I really had a good time at first, but after a while, I hurt my left arm. When it was time for lunch, I couldn’t find my purse. Thanks to my friend Li Jun. He shared his lunch with me. After lunch, I went to the lost and found office with him. We looked for my purse in a big box. There were two purses, but neither was mine.
  What a bad day I had!
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