
来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vertra
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In many circumstances, chemical process design can be formulated as a multi-objective optimization(MOO) problem. Examples include bi-objective optimization problems, where the economic objective is maxi-mized and environmental impact is minimized simultaneously. Moreover, the random behavior in the process,property, market fluctuation, errors in model prediction and so on would affect the performance of a process.Therefore, it is essential to develop a MOO methodology under uncertainty. In this article, the authors propose ageneric and systematic optimization methodology for chemical process design under uncertainty. It aims at identi-fying the optimal design from a number of candidates. The utility of this methodology is demonstrated by a casestudy based on the design of a condensate treatment unit in an ammonia plant. In many circumstances, chemical process design can be formulated as a multi-objective optimization (MOO) problem. Examples include bi-objective optimization problems, where the economic objective is maxi-mized and environmental impact is minimized simultaneously. the process, property, market fluctuation, errors in model prediction and so on that would affect the performance of a process. Wherefore, it is essential to develop a MOO methodology under uncertainty. In this article, the authors propose ageneric and systematic optimization methodology for chemical process design under uncertainty. It aims at identi-fying the optimal design from a number of candidates. The utility of this methodology is demonstrated by a case study based on the design of a condensate treatment unit in an ammonia plant.
美丽的大草原,牧草一碧万顷,天上白云悠然,地上河流如带,成群的牛羊散落其间,静谧和谐,分不清哪是天堂,哪是草原。  合上书页,眼前还是狼王洛波的影子,我也仿佛又置身于那熟悉的喀伦坡。  这是一只狼的传奇,它强壮有力,威风凛凛,纵横草原,让群狼俯首称臣;它足智多谋,凶狠狡诈,让牧人头疼不已!可就是如此的草原之王,最后还是被阴险的猎人逮住了。耗尽气力的它,最终自断筋脉,高傲而从容地走向了死亡。  该怎